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Custom Gauge

CaptZeen edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 7 revisions

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The Custom Gauge let you create custom needle instruments. Instrument with two o more needles can be created combining several custom gauges (see example below)

You can define the needle and the background plate images from files.

In the needle section you can define:

  • the scale of the needle relative to the gauge vertival size.
  • the X position of the needle relative to the gauge.
  • the Y position of the needle relative to the gauge.

The rotation pivot is represented as a red dot. This pivot is the rotation axis of the needle and can be positioned in any place inside the gauge

Pivot values:

  • Pivot X, position x of the pivot inside the gauge
  • Pivot Y, position y of the pivot inside the gauge

Rotation Range:

  • Min, position of the needle at the minimun value
  • Max, position of the needle at the maximun value

In beheviour section you can define:

  • Initial, default value when a profile is started or reset
  • Min, minimun value of the axis
  • Max, maximun value of the axis
  • step, value to increment at each step (not needed in this control)

Here the Custom gauge is used to create the VVI instrument in the A10C profile:

In this example, a two needles instrument has been created using two custom gauges inside a panel. The gauge on the top ( the small one) has his blackground plate image asigned to a transparent image, so is invisible:


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