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Getting Started with the Config System

Ole Henrik Stabell edited this page Feb 19, 2022 · 8 revisions

Generating and Locating the Config Files

Fog Tweaker allows you to set different Fog options for every biome (including biomes from other mods). This system utilizes JSON. To get started you need to start Minecraft with Fog Tweaker installed once, and load or create a new world, this will generate JSON files for each biome inside the config/fogtweaker/biomes folder in your Minecraft folder. If you add a mod that adds new biomes later, configs will be generated for it the first time a world is loaded or created with the new mod installed. On Servers just starting the server should generate biome configs.

└── config
    ├── biomesoplenty
    ├── byg
    └── fogtweaker
        └── biomes
            ├── biomesoplenty
            ├── byg
            └── minecraft

Every mod/namespace gets it's own folder for the config files, you can see above, that "Oh The Biomes You'll Go" and "Biomes O' Plenty" have their own folders along with Minecraft/Vanilla.

Modifying the Config Files

Each biome gets a single JSON file that looks like this:

  "fogEnabled": false,
  "fogDensity": 6.0,
  "fogColor": "#FFFFFF",
  "particlesEnabled": false,
  "particleType": "minecraft:ash",
  "particleAmount": 15,
  "poisonousFogEnabled": false,
  "poisonTicks": 1200,
  "poisonDamage": 1,
  "_comment": "minecraft:plains"

fogEnabled Controls whether or not the Biome should have custom fog or not. false/true

fogDensity Sets the density or amount of fog in the biome, the lower the value the closer the fog will be to the player. (NOTE, this is a Float value, meaning that the . is important!)

fogColor Sets the color of the fog, needs to be a hexadecimal color value, like #FFFFFF.

particlesEnabled Enables particle rendering in the specific biome.

particleType Set the particle to use for the fog, you can find a list of all particles available to Fog Tweaker in the particle_types.json file located in the config/fogtweaker/biomes folder. Particles from other mods are also supported and will be listed in the particle_types.json NOTE that you need both the namespace (e.g minecraft) and the particle name (e.g ash) with a colon inbetween them (e.g minecraft:ash) otherwise it will not work.

particleAmount Sets how many particles should spawn around the player whilst in the biome.

poisonousFogEnabled Controls whether or not the biome´s fog should be poisonous. false/true (This option is dependent on fog being Enabled in the biome.)

poisonTicks How many ticks should it take before a player is damaged whilst in the biome.

poisonDamage How much damage should the fog do per tick.

_comment This field is never read by Fog Tweaker, it is just there to indicate what biome you are currently editing the config for.

These config files can safely be changed whilst the game is running and it will update in-game without needing to restart the game or your current world.

Global Fog Config

If you want to have the same fog settings for every biome you can create an all_biomes.json file in the root of the biomes directory like this:

  "fogEnabled": false,
  "fogDensity": 6.0,
  "fogColor": "#FFFFFF",
  "particlesEnabled": false,
  "particleType": "minecraft:ash",
  "particleAmount": 15,
  "poisonousFogEnabled": false,
  "poisonTicks": 1200,
  "poisonDamage": 1,
  "_comment": "fogtweaker:all_biomes"

This will make Fog Tweaker ignore any other biome configs.

Reset the Biome Configs

To reset the config for a specific biome simply delete the JSON file for that biome and restart your current world (or load/create a different world), the JSON file will be regenerated without affecting existing config files.

To reset all the Biomes simply delete the biomes folder and load or create a new world, all the JSON files will be created again.

General Config

Fog Tweaker also uses the Forge config system for a few global options these are split between client and common (server). It is recommended to use a mod like Configured to set these options in-game.

Client Config

fogEnabled This option allows you to disable Fog for all biomes regardless of any of the JSON configs you may have set.

fogParticlesEnabled This option allows you to disable particle rendering in all biomes regardless of any of the JSON configs you may have set.

incompatibleModsWarning Fog Tweaker has a list of mods (like OptiFine) which is considered incompatible, if these mods are found whilst loading, a dismissable warning will be issued during load. This option allows you to disable this warning.

Common (Server) Config

poisonousFogEnabled This option allows you to disable the poisonous Fog for all biomes regardless of any of the JSON configs you may have set.

Are Configs required on servers?

Fog Rendering related config options (fogEnabled, fogDensity, fogColorRed, FogColorGreen, fogColorBlue, particlesEnabled, particleType, particleAmount) is only needed on client configs and will have no effect if set on a server.

Poison Fog related options (poisonousFogEnabled, poisonTicks, poisonDamage) are needed both on the server and the client.


I have set a custom config for a biome from mod xxxx and it's not working!

Other mods are able to override Fog Tweakers's fog rendering during load, you can check if this is the case by looking for a JSON file called overriden_biomes.json in the biomes directory. Any biome listed in that file will not get custom Fog.

To find what mod requested the override you can check the latest log file and look for a line like this: Fog Tweaker: Registered Biome Override for "biome". Override requested by mod with modid: "mod".