Releases: HenriquesLab/PhotoFiTT
Releases · HenriquesLab/PhotoFiTT
PhotoFiTT version 1.0.1
PhotoFiTT: A Quantitative Framework for Assessing Phototoxicity in Live-Cell Microscopy Experiments
- The package analyses pre-mitotic rounding events, cell size during the pre-mitotic rounding and cell activity.
- It provides a library to analyse data hierarchically, considering folders with replicas and illumination conditions.
- Provides a series of functions to display the results.
Example datasets
- Two CSV files for cell premitotic rounding event and cell activity analysis are given until the official repository is published
Code before package - publication content
This release is for internal control of the code and to identify a timeline in the manuscript drafting
Trained StarDist model
model-10122021 Add files via upload