A Virion for working with player skins.
See LibSkinExample for a usage example.
- Convert skin data to PNG (and metadata, if allowed, to JSON)
- Convert PNG to skin data
- Asynchronously Download skins of Minecraft: Java Edition players
- A PocketMine plugin for stealing other player's skins
- Can get skins from online players, offline players, files and Minecraft: Java Edition players
- Put phar from Poggit into
folder - Start server
The command of this plugin is /skin
. It has the following subcommands:
/skin load [file name] [target player]
- Description: Load skin from a png file and metadata from a json file in
- Note: If no file name is given, the player's name is used
- Description: Load skin from a png file and metadata from a json file in
/skin save [file name] [target player]
- Description: Save skin to a png file and metadata to a json file in
- Note: If no file name is given, the player's name is used
- Description: Save skin to a png file and metadata to a json file in
/skin steal <player to steal from> [target player]
- Description: Steal the skin of another player (online or offline)
/skin mcje <player to steal from> [target player]
- Description: Steal the skin of a Minecraft: Java Edition player
- Description: Allow access to the
base command (subcommands need seperate permissions!) - Default: op
- Description: Allow access to the
- Description: Allow access to
/skin load
- Default: op
- Description: Allow access to
- Description: Allow access to
/skin save
- Default: op
- Description: Allow access to
- Description: Allow access to
/skin steal
- Default: op
- Description: Allow access to
- Description: Allow access to
/skin mcje
- Default: op
- Description: Allow access to
- Description: Allow access to all
subcommands - Default: op
- Description: Allow access to all
- Description: Allow changing another player's skin (using the
target player
argument) - Default: op
- Description: Allow changing another player's skin (using the
- Description: Allow picking any file name when saving or loading a skin (otherwise only the player's name is allowed)
- Default: op
- Description: Allow loading and saving skin metadata (such as geometry) as well.
- Default: op
Icon credits: https://pixabay.com/vectors/moneybag-hand-coins-symbol-icon-400290/