We're just a small community of experienced GregTech (a mod for Minecraft) players, mostly GTCEu, that decided to start contributing to the community by making mods and modpacks. We have about 30 members, with around 10 of them contributing or on their way to contribute to this Project. All of this is still new so don't expect everything to work quite yet
An addon mod for GTCEu in beta right now. It adds a lot of cool machines and multiblocks that have some unique properties. Most of the content is focused on lategame, like the Mega LCR which is an LCR that accepts parallel hatches and laser energy hatches but is only available late LuV. But some of it accessible earlier on like the quad EBF, which is just a quad EBF with only one controller, or more QoL features like the dual covers which are covers that can transport both fluids and items.
You can add it to your mod folder and it won't have any issues, but it is not truly feature complete as of now.
Maintained by Zorbatron/Gregmeister
A fork of Nomifactory, no alpha releases yet, we have just started development. Idea is to keep the Nomifactory feel but expand the lategame with content up to MAX, longer processing chains, but keeping it somewhat grindless. This aims to also integrate the respective mods of our members as we update them, with our main focus on ZBGT. Our global direction isn't totally established but we have big plans for it.
Maintained by the HOGi team