Rename Social Vulnerability Analysis to Social Vulnerability Index Analysis #556
Join dataset has an option for only keeping the table dataset fields #299
Update Non-structural Building Damage to support flood #562
Update flood input to non-structural building damage for combined wind-wave-surge building #566
Rename transportation recovery analysis to traffic flow recovery analysis #558
Rename Monte Carlo Failure Probability to Monte Carlo Limit State Probability #557
Rename Housing Recovery to Housing Valuation Recovery Analysis #560
Rename Building Portfolio Analysis to Building Cluster Recovery Analysis #559
Rename nonstructural building damage #537
Rename building damage to building structural damage #561
Gas Facility Damage Analysis #568
Copyrights to transportation recovery analysis #579
Buyout Model Analyses #539
Google Analytics to the documentation site #547
Permission error in clearing cache process #563
Out of index error in dfr3 service's property conversion when the rule is not found #555
You can’t perform that action at this time.