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user profiles removed
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bfontaine committed Oct 19, 2014
1 parent 3ba7354 commit 0d0773f
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Showing 9 changed files with 22 additions and 491 deletions.
322 changes: 0 additions & 322 deletions controllers/profile.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,325 +1,5 @@

// -- (GET) Display profile pages --

// $is_my_profile : true if the page is acceded through /profil
function display_profile_page($username=NULL, $is_my_profile=false) {

// if there is no username
if (empty($username)) {

$user = UserQuery::create()->findOneByUsername($username);

// if the username is not correct
if ($user == NULL) {

// ?public allows one to see their profile as a non-connected user (#309)
$as_public = has_get('public', true);
$is_connected = !$as_public && is_connected();
$is_admin = $is_connected && user()->isAdmin();

// if the user isn't on his/her profile, and ?public is present,
// remove it
if ((!is_connected() || user()->getUsername() !== $username) && $as_public) {

// if the URL is /p/<my_username> or /profil, this is me
$me = ($is_connected && user()->getUsername() === $username);
if ($me) { $user = user(); }

// if I try to access to my profile using /p/<my_username>, redirect
// me to /profil
if (!$is_my_profile && $me) {
redirect_to('/profil', array( 'status' => HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY));

// if the visitor is not connected and this is a private profile
if (!$is_connected && $user->getConfigPrivateProfile()) {

$tpl_user = tpl_user($user, true);

$msg_str = '';
$msg_type = '';
$moderation_bar = array();

if ($me) {
$moderation_bar []= array(
'href' => user_url($user) . '?public',
'title' => 'Voir mon profil public'

// if the accound is deactivated
if (!$user->isActivated()) {

if (!$is_admin) {
$title = $tpl_user['displayed_name'];

return tpl_render('deactivated_profile.html', array(
'page' => array(
'user' => $tpl_user,
'title' => $title,

'breadcrumbs' => array(
1 => array( 'title' => $title, 'href' => url() )

// if I'm an admin
$msg_str = 'Ce compte a été désactivé.';
$msg_type = 'notice';

// I can edit if it's me or an admin
$can_edit = ($me || $is_admin);

// I can see the options only if it's me or I'm an admin
$can_see_options = $can_edit;

if ($can_edit) {
$edit_button = array( 'title' => 'Éditer' );
// if this is me, go to /profil/éditer to edit the profile, else
// go to /p/the_username/éditer
$edit_button['href'] = Config::$root_uri.( $me ? 'profil' : 'p/'.$user->getUsername() ).'/éditer';

$moderation_bar []= $edit_button;

// displaying options
if ($can_see_options) {
foreach ($tpl_user['options'] as $k => $opt) {
$tpl_user['options'][$k] = array(
'title' => $opt['title'],
'value' => Lang\bool_to_fr($opt['value'])
else {
$tpl_user['options'] = null;

// displayed options

if (!$user->getConfigShowEmail()) {
$tpl_user['email'] = false;

if (!$user->getConfigShowPhone()) {
$tpl_user['phone'] = false;

if (!$user->getConfigShowBirthdate()) {
$tpl_user['birthdate'] = false;

if (!$user->getConfigShowAge()) {
$tpl_user['age'] = false;

if (!$is_admin) { $tpl_user['rank'] = null; }

$profile = array(
'page' => array(
'message' => $msg_str,
'message_type' => $msg_type,

'title' => $me ? 'Mon profil' : $tpl_user['displayed_name'],

'user' => $tpl_user,

'moderation_bar' => $moderation_bar

return tpl_render('profile/public.html', $profile);


function display_my_profile_page(){
if (!is_connected()) { halt(NOT_FOUND); }
// don't put the second argument to 'false', it would cause
// an infinite loop
return display_profile_page(user()->getUsername(), true);

// -- (GET) Edit profile pages --

function display_edit_profile_page($username=NULL, $is_my_profile=false) {

$me = (is_connected() && user()->getUsername() == $username);

// if I'm not connected or this is not me or I'm not an admin
if (!is_connected()
|| empty($username)
|| ((user()->getUsername() != $username) && (!user()->isAdmin()))) {

$user = ((user()->getUsername() == $username)
? user()
: UserQuery::create()->findOneByUsername($username));

if (!$user) {

$tpl_user = tpl_user($user, true);

if (is_connected() && user()->isAdmin() && user()->getUsername() != $username) {
$tpl_user['options'] []= array(
'name' => 'activate',
'title' => 'Activer',
'value' => $user->isActivated()

return tpl_render('profile/edit.html', array(
'page' => array(
'title' => 'Édition du profil'.($me ? '' : ' '.Lang\de($tpl_user['displayed_name'])),

'user' => $tpl_user,

'edit_form' => array( 'action' => url() )

function display_edit_my_profile_page() {
if (!is_connected()) { halt(NOT_FOUND); }
// don't put the second argument to 'false', it would cause
// an infinite loop
return display_edit_profile_page(user()->getUsername(), true);

// -- (POST) Edit profile pages

function post_edit_profile_page($username=NULL) {
if (!is_connected() || (($username != user()->getUsername()) && (!user()->isAdmin()))) {

$me = ($username == user()->getUsername());

$user = $me ? user() : UserQuery::create()->findOneByUsername($username);

if ($user == NULL) {

$msgstr = '';
$msgtype = false;

if (has_post('new_password')) {
if (!has_post('old_password')) {
$msgstr = ($msgstr?' ':'').'Veuillez entrer votre ancien mot de passe pour le changer.';
$msgtype = 'error';
else if (!Config::$p_hasher->CheckPassword($_POST['old_password'],
user()->getPasswordHash())) {
$msgstr = ($msgstr?' ':'').'L\'ancien mot de passe est incorrect.';
$msgtype = 'error';
else {

$p = $_POST['new_password'];

if (strlen($p) < 3) {
$msgstr .= ($msgstr?' ':'').'Le nouveau mot de passe est trop court.';
$msgtype = 'error';
else {

if (has_post('website')) {
$website = $_POST['website'];
if (!filter_website($website)) {
$msgstr .= ($msgstr?' ':'').'Le site Web est incorrect.';
$msgtype = 'error';
else {

$desc = '';

if (has_post('description')) {
$desc = trim($_POST['description']);

if (strlen($desc) > 512) {
$desc = mb_substr($desc, 0, 509).'...';
$msgstr .= ($msgstr?' ':'').'La présentation est trop longue, elle a été tronquée à 512 caractères.';
$msgtype = $msgtype || 'notice';



if (has_post('gender')) {
$gender = trim($_POST['gender']);
if (in_array($gender, array('M', 'F', 'N'))) {
else {

$opts_names = User::getConfigVars();
$opts = array();

foreach ($opts_names as $k => $opt) {
$opts[$opt] = has_post($opt);


if (user()->isAdmin() && user()->getUsername() != $username) {
// If I'm an admin and the edited profile is not mine


if (!$msgstr) {
$redirect = $me ? '/profil' : '/p/'.$user->getUsername();
redirect_to($redirect, array('status' => HTTP_SEE_OTHER));

return tpl_render('profile/edit.html', array(
'page' => array(
'title' => 'Edition du profil',
'edit_form' => array( 'action' => Config::$root_uri.'profil/editer' ),

'user' => tpl_user($user, true),

'message' => $msgstr,
'message_type' => $msgtype


function post_edit_my_profile_page() {
if (!is_connected()) { halt(NOT_FOUND); }
return post_edit_profile_page(user()->getUsername());

function display_init_my_profile_page($token=null, $message=null, $message_type=null) {

if (!$token) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -537,5 +217,3 @@ function post_init_my_profile_page() {

return display_init_my_profile_page($new_token, $message, $message_type);


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