a multi language solution to the pizza problem statement
google hash code logo hash tags: #hashcode #2017 #googleHashCode Join the chat at https://gitter.im/GoogleHashCode2017/Lobby Build Status
##Pizza Practice problem for the Google HashCode 2017.
##Effectiveness's for v0.02 Slicing of: example, small, medium slices took 2 Minutes on the Dell Workstation ( Results:
example 6
small 30
medium 33037
big - Was ran clustered
from the commit and took 18.18 Minutes Accurateley Displaying a principle of the slicing method .(A Reurbished Experimental Workstation from Dell (Dell Precision M4800 (Nvidia K2100M Quadro GPU )
original assignment - Task.pdf
input data sets
Java 1.8
maven 3
##Run To build and run the application execute:
mvn clean install mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.hashcode.App"
##Submit task automation Google provides an online mechanism to check the task results. It requires:
archived source code
at least one output file
To zip the source code execute :
To automate interaction with online submission can be used SeleniumIDE with a firefox browser.
login to the submission page
setup selenium test suite(submitResultsViaSelenium) according to yours file system
execute the test case and see scores on web. See the video instruction on YouTube