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OpenModel Example: cement-aluminium interface damage model workflow

OpenModel example use case for damage simulation for a cement-aluminium interface damage model workflow.


To use this repository, the following Python packages are required:

  • Fenics and related libraries
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Matplotlib
  • jsonschema
  • pandas
  • sklearn
  • tabulate

These packages can be installed via apt on Ubuntu 22.04:

sudo apt-get install -y dolfin-bin libdolfin-dev libdolfin-dev-common libdolfin2019.2 python3-dijitso python3-dolfin python3-dolfin-real python3-ffc python3-ufl python3-tabulate python3-tables python3-scipy python3-petsc4py python3-pandas python3-numpy python3-sklearn python3-jsonschema python3-matplotlib python3-mshr

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the repository folder:
cd AlCementCor
  1. Run a simulation: Use the provided example to get started.

Customizing the Simulation

You can customize your simulations by modifying the simulation configuration files and specifying different material properties and behaviours.

  1. Material Properties: Specify the properties of the material you wish to simulate in the material_properties.json file.

  2. Simulation Configuration: Adjust various parameters for the simulation in the simulation_config.json file. You can also use setters for some properties.


Please refer to the in-code comments and docstrings for more information on how to use and extend this framework.


The file represents a collection of materials with their metadata and mechanical properties.


Each material has a unique identifier (like Al6082-T6, Aluminium-Ceramic) which contains two main sections:

  1. metadata: Contains information about the material.
  2. properties: Represents the mechanical properties of the material.

Metadata Fields

  • material_name: The formal or common name of the material.
  • composition: The elemental composition or components of the material, usually given in percentage.
  • source: Source or reference from where the material information is taken.
  • remarks: Any additional notes or remarks regarding the material.

Properties Fields

  • Youngs_modulus: Represents the Young's Modulus of the material.
  • Poissons_ratio: Represents the Poisson's ratio.
  • Yield_strength: Represents the yield strength.
  • Tangent_modulus: Tangent modulus value.
  • Linear_isotropic_hardening: Value for linear isotropic hardening.
  • Nonlinear_Ludwik_parameter: Parameter for nonlinear Ludwik's equation (specific to some materials).
  • Exponent_Ludwik: Exponent for Ludwik's equation (specific to some materials).
  • Swift_epsilon0: Parameter for Swift's equation (specific to some materials).
  • Exponent_Swift: Exponent for Swift's equation (specific to some materials).


For Al6082-T6:

  • Metadata

    • Material Name: Aluminium 6082-T6
    • Composition: Aluminium: 97.4%, Magnesium: 1.2%, Silicon: 1.0%, Iron: 0.5%, Copper: 0.2%, Manganese: 0.6%, Chromium: 0.25%, Zinc: 0.2%, Titanium: 0.1%
    • Source: Unknown
    • Remarks: No additional remarks.
  • Properties

    • Young's Modulus: 71000
    • Poisson's Ratio: 0.3
    • ... (and so on for other properties)


We welcome contributions to this repository. If you wish to contribute, please follow the standard Fork & Pull Request workflow.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the repository for more details.


Aluminium-Cement Corrosion Damage Model







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