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CSV Plugin for C++ Client

Lacewell, Chaunte W edited this page Jul 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

Ease of usability is one important design goal of VDMS. We realize many users have data in CSV or tabular format and want to ingest this data into VDMS. Prior to VDMS v2.4.0, a user would create functions to parse their data and convert it to JSON queries for ingestion. Now, a user can use the CSV Plug-in to ingest their data into VDMS using the C++ Client. Currently, this capability is not available with the Python client.

This document provides details for using the CSV Plugin for C++ Client. This document includes:

Basic Building Blocks


Building block constraints are specified using a prefix 'cons_' followed by am index. This prefix is case sensitive.

cons_1 specifies the first constraint of the constraints json block.

Examples of different types of properties are:

cons_1 cons_2 cons_3
"age>=20,<=90" gender==M name==Poonam

The table will result in the following constraints block:

"constraints": {
   "age": [ ">=", 20, "<=", 90 ],
   "gender": [ "==", "M" ],
   "name": [ "==", "Poonam" ]


In a CSV file, operations are provided as a column. The column name is case-sensitive and are specified using ops_ prefix followed by the operation type. Examples of each operation are in the following table:

Operation Column Name Example Value Description
Threshold ops_threshold 150 Threshold value where all pixels above provided value are returned; Otherwise pixel values are zero
Crop ops_crop "255,224,15,10" Comma delimited values for x, y, width, height, respectively.
Resize ops_resize "200,175" Comma delimited values for width, and height, respectively.
Flip ops_flip 1 Follows OpenCV convention: 0 for Vertical flip, >0 for Horizontal flip, <0 for both.
Rotate ops_rotate "30,TRUE" Comma delimited values for angle of rotation, and a flag indicating whether the image will be resized so that the rotated image fits (resize = true), or if the image will be kept the same size (resize = false).
Interval ops_interval "10,50,2" Comma delimited values for first frame, last frame, and step size (frames in between), respectively.

If all above operations are provided in a single query, the JSON equivalent is:

"operations": [
      "type": "crop",
      "x": 255,
      "y": 224,
      "width": 15,
      "height": 10,
      "type": "resize",
      "width": 200,
      "height": 175,
      "type": "flip",
      "code": 1
      "type": "rotate",
      "angle": 30,
      "resize": true
      "type": "interval",
      "start": 10,
      "stop": 50,
      "step": 2
      "type": "threshold",
      "value": 150,


Building block properties are specified using a prefix prop_. For any property with date as value is specified with a prefix prop_date:. This prefix is case sensitive.

prop_propertyname specifies that it represents a property with propertyname as the key of the properties json block. Properties can have string, numeric, Boolean, and alphanumeric values.

Only date/time is written in a specific format that is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. Currently all values in the date format should be specified.

Examples of different types of properties are :

prop_name prop_age prop_date:DoB prop_hasdog prop_gender prop_weight prop_email prop_address
Poonam 26 1995-01-29T18:45:12-08:00 TRUE F 55.9 [email protected] 90 kings land, Jodhpur

The above table will result in the following json:

"properties" : {
   "DoB" : {"_date" : "1995-01-29T18:45:12-08:00"},
   "age" : 26,
   "gender" : "F",
   "hasdog" : true,
   "name" : "Poonam",
   "weight" : 55.9,
   "email" : "[email protected]",
   "address" : "90 kings land, Jodhpur"


This is used to set the coordinates for a bounding box. To provide a rectangle value, in the cell provide 4 comma delimited numeric values representing x, y, w, and h respectively.

Insert Commands


Bounding Boxes are a special kind of entity, similar to images. The AddBoundingBox call allows applications to add a region of interest to VDMS, where the entity added has a preset class of BoundingBox. For more details about the command, see AddBoundingBox.

Let's take the following JSON queries for ingesting two Bounding Boxes as an example:

      "AddBoundingBox" : {
         "rectangle" : {
            "x" :120 ,"y" :50 ,"w" :40 ,"h" :40
         "properties" : {
            "name" : "jowe",
            "id": 1
      "AddBoundingBox" : {
         "rectangle" : {
            "x" :100 ,"y" :20 ,"w" :20 ,"h" :40
         "properties" : {
            "name" : "suitcase",
            "id": 2

The equivalent CSV file is as follows:


In this CSV, the first row provides the column names needed for the AddBoundingBox command and each additional row represents details for one bounding box. The first column is mandatory while the remaining columns are based on the other information needed for the entries.

The following table provides details for the CSV format:

Column Name Description Has Position Constraint? Column Position Is field mandatory?
RectangleBound This column is required and provides a rectangular region of interest in the format x,y,w,h Yes 1 Yes
prop_name This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named name No - No
prop_id This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named id No - No
cons_1 This column is user-defined. It specifies the first constraint needed to find the image to link to Bounding Box No - No

Note: If cell value is empty it means that column name is not applicable for that Bounding Box data.


This command helps an application associate two entities with specific class on the relationship and properties if needed. The source and destination references (ref1 and ref2) corresponds to some references created with the AddEntity command or FindEntity command (using "_ref"). For more details about the command, see AddConnection.

Let's take the following JSON queries for adding a connection between two entities as an example:

      "FindEntity" :
            "_ref" : 1,
            "class" : "Person",
            "constraints" :
               "id" : ["==", 1]
      "FindEntity" :
            "_ref" : 3,
            "class" : "Person",
            "constraints" :
               "id" : ["==", 2]
      "AddConnection" :
         "class": "BloodRelation",
         "ref1" : 1,
         "ref2" : 3,
         "properties" : {
            "type": "brother"

The equivalent CSV file is as follows:


In this CSV, the first row provides the column names needed for the AddConnection command and each additional row represents a connection between two entities. The first column is mandatory while the remaining columns are based on the other information needed for the entries.

The following table provides details for the CSV format:

Column Name Description Has Position Constraint? Column Position Is field mandatory?
ConnectionClass This column is required and provides a class for the connection Yes 1 Yes
Person@id This column is user-defined. It specifies the contraints to find the first entity for a connection. In this example, the first entity must have class Person with property id equal to 1 No - No
Person@id This column is user-defined. It specifies the contraints to find the second entity for a connection. In this example, the second entity must have class Person with property id equal to 2 No - No
prop_type This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named type No - No

Note: If cell value is empty it means that column name is not applicable for that connection.


VDMS natively supports high-dimensional feature vector operations allowing efficient similarity searches, particularly useful in ML pipelines. Feature vectors or descriptors are intermediate results of various machine learning or computer vision algorithms when run on visual data. These vectors can be labeled and classified to build search indexes. VDMS does not extract descriptors but once they are available, it can store, index, and search for similarity. For more details about the command, see AddDescriptor.

Let's take the following JSON queries for ingesting a descriptor as an example:

      "AddDescriptor" : {
         "set" : "Test_14096",
         "label" : "Rocky",
         "properties" : {
            "age" : 34,
            "gender" : "M"
      "AddDescriptor" : {
         "set" : "Test_14096",
         "label" : "Carolyn",
         "properties" : {
            "age" : 67,
            "gender" : "F"


The equivalent CSV file is as follows:


In this CSV, the first row provides the column names needed for the AddDescriptor command and each additional row represents details for one descriptor. The first column is mandatory while the remaining columns are based on the other information needed for the descriptors.

The following table provides details for the CSV format:

Column Name Description Has Position Constraint? Column Position Is field mandatory?
DescriptorClass This column is required and provides the name of the DescriptorSet to add the descriptor Yes 1 Yes
label This column specifies the label of the descriptor No - No
prop_age This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named age No - No
prop_gender This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named gender No - No
inputdata This column is required as it provides the file path which contains the actual blob for the descriptor/feature vector No - Yes

Note: If cell value is empty it means the column is not applicable for that Descriptor.


A DescriptorSet is a group of descriptors with a fixed number of dimensions that are the result of the same algorithm for feature extraction. For instance, we can create a DescriptorSet and insert multiple descriptors obtained by using OpenFace (128 dimensions), and then index and perform matching operations over those descriptors. For more details about the command, see AddDescriptorSet.

Let's take the following JSON queries for adding two descriptor sets as an example:

      "AddDescriptorSet" : {
         "name": "pretty_faces",
         "dimensions": 128,
         "metric": "L2",
         "engine": "FaissFlat",
         "properties": {
            "algorithm": "OpenFace"
      "AddDescriptorSet" : {
         "name": "Test_14096",
         "dimensions": 1024,
         "metric": "IP",
         "engine": "FaissIVFFlat",
         "properties": {
            "algorithm": "random"

The equivalent CSV file is as follows:


In this CSV, the first row provides the column names needed for the AddDescriptorSet command and each additional row represents details for one descriptor set. The first column is mandatory while the remaining columns are based on the other information needed for the descriptors.

The following table provides details for the CSV format:

Column Name Description Has Position Constraint? Column Position Is field mandatory?
DescriptorType This column is required and provides the name of the DescriptorSet Yes 1 Yes
dimensions This column is required and specifies the number of dimensions of the feature vector No - Yes
distancemetric This column is specifies the method used to calculate distances (IP or L2) No - No
searchengine This column specifies the underlying implementation for indexing and computing distances (TileDBDense, TileDBSparse, FaissFlat, or FaissIVFFlat) No - No
prop_algorithm This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named algorithm No - No

Note: If cell value is empty it means the column is not applicable for that DescriptorSet.


Adds a new entity to VDMS. For more details about the command, see AddEntity.

Let's take the following JSON queries for adding three entities as an example:

      "AddEntity" : {
         "_ref" : 1,
         "class" : "Person",
         "constraints" : {
            "age" : [">=", 10, "<=", 30],
            "name" : ["==", "Ali"]
         "properties" : {
            "DoB" : {"_date" : "2018-02-27T13:45:12-08:00"},
            "age" : 30,
            "gender" : "M",
            "hasdog" : true,
            "name" : "Ali"
      "AddEntity" : {
         "_ref" : 2,
         "class" : "Person",
         "constraints" : {
            "age" : ["<=",10],
            "name" : ["==","alex"]
         "properties" : {
            "age" : 10,
            "gender" : "M",
            "hasdog" : false,
            "name" : "alex"
      "AddEntity" : {
         "_ref" : 3,
         "class" : "Person",
         "constraints" : {
            "age" : [">=",10],
            "name" : [ "==","Shri"]
         "properties" : {
            "DoB" :{"_date" : "2018-02-27T13:45:12-08:00"},
            "age" : 33,
            "gender" : "F",
            "name" : "Shri"

The equivalent CSV file is as follows:


In this CSV, the first row provides the column names needed for the AddEntity command and each additional row represents details for one entity. The first column is mandatory while the remaining columns are based on the other information needed for the entities.

The following table provides details for the CSV format:

Column Name Description Has Position Constraint? Column Position Is field mandatory?
EntityClass This column is required and provides the class for the entity Yes 1 Yes
prop_name This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named name No - No
prop_age This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named age No - No
cons_1 This column is user-defined and specifies a constraint for a conditional add No - No
prop_date:DoB This column is an user-defined date for property named DoB No - No
cons_2 This column specifies the second constraint to use for the conditional add No - No
prop_hasdog This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named hasdog No - No
prop_gender This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named gender No - No

Note: If cell value is empty it means the column is not applicable for that entity.


Adds a new image to VDMS. For more details about the command, see AddImage.

The following JSON query adds an image and performs the threshold and resize operations:

      "AddImage" : {
         "format" : "png",
         "properties" : {
            "type" : "scan",
            "part" : "brain"
         "operations" : [
            {"type" : "threshold", "value" : 150},
            {"type" : "resize", "width" : 200, "height" : 200}


The equivalent CSV file is as follows:


In this CSV, the first row provides the column names needed for the AddImage command and each additional row represents details for one image. The first column is mandatory while the remaining columns are based on the other information needed for the images.

The following table provides details for the CSV format:

Column Name Description Has Position Constraint? Column Position Is field mandatory?
ImagePath This column is required and provides the file path which contains the actual blob for the image Yes 1 Yes
prop_type This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named type No - No
prop_part This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named part No - No
format This column specifies the format used to store the image [jpg, png, tdb, bin] No - No
ops_threshold This column is optional and specifies the value to use for the threshold operation No - No
ops_resize This column is optional and specifies the width,height to use for the resize operation No - No

Note: If cell value is empty it means the column is not applicable for that Image.


This call allows an application to add (and preprocess) a video in VDMS. The video blob is an encoded binary array using any of the supported containers or encodings. For more details about the command, see AddVideo.

The following JSON query adds a Video to VDMS:

      "AddVideo" : {
         "codec" : "h264",
         "container" : "avi",
         "properties" : {
            "name" : "memories"
         "index_frames" : true,
         "operations" : [
            {"type" : "threshold", "value" : 200}

The equivalent CSV file is as follows:


In this CSV, the first row provides the column names needed for the AddVideo command and each additional row represents details for one video. The first column is mandatory while the remaining columns are based on the other information needed for the descriptors.

The following table provides details for the CSV format:

Column Name Description Has Position Constraint? Column Position Is field mandatory?
VideoPath This column is required and provides the file path which contains the actual video Yes 1 Yes
prop_name This column is user-defined. It specifies the value for property named name No - No
format This column specifies the container used for the video file [mp4, avi, mov] No - No
compressto This column specifies the codec to be transcoded [xvid, h264, h263] No - No
ops_threshold This column is optional and specifies the value to use for the threshold operation No - No
frameindex This column is optional and triggers key-frame index extraction on the video No - No
fromserver This column is not in the example but can be used to read a file from the server No - No

Note: If cell value is empty it means the column is not applicable for that Video.

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