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sebkinne edited this page Apr 16, 2013 · 11 revisions

WiFi Pineapple Wiki Editing Guide

Being able to edit the guide

In order to edit the wiki, you must first sign up for a GitHub account.


When you post your guides, you must use HTML to format your text, simply typing with the use of the `
` tag etc will just carry on for ever and ever. tl,dr; Use HTML, don't just type.


Make sure your page makes sense, especially if it is a guide!. The last thing other people want to do is clean up your mess.

Further Formatting

Try to use the way of organising below, it really helps and then everybody can understand how to read your wiki entry easier.

Further Further Formatting

Use the `
` tag at the end of a word to start a new line.
Use the `

` tag for a header of a page.
Use the `

` tag for a sub header.
Use the `

` tag if you really need a sub-sub-header.

Code = Place code inside of 3 back-tic characters.(3 at top and 3 at bottom.)
Commands (ie - ls, cd, mkdir) = Place inside of <i> </i> HTML Tags (Itallics)
Warnings = Place in red text.
Cautions = Place in yellow text.