A simple table component based Vue 2.x.
Install the pkg with npm:
// v1
npm i --save v2-table beautify-scrollbar
// v2
npm i --save v2-table
or yarn
// v1
yarn add v2-table beautify-scrollbar
// v2
yarn add v2-table
import Vue from 'vue';
// v1
import 'beautify-scrollbar/dist/index.css';
import 'v2-table/dist/index.css';
import V2Table from 'v2-table';
// v2
import 'v2-table/dist/index.css';
import V2Table from 'v2-table';
<v2-table :data="list">
<v2-table-column label="Name" prop="name"></v2-table-column>
<v2-table-column label="Date" prop="date"></v2-table-column>
<v2-table-column label="Address" prop="address"></v2-table-column>
export default {
data () {
return {
list: [{
date: '2017-12-02',
name: 'test1',
address: 'Shenzhen,China'
}, {
date: '2017-11-02',
name: 'test2',
address: 'Guangzhou,China'
}, {
date: '2018-01-02',
name: 'test3',
address: 'Shaoyang,Hunan'
}, {
date: '2017-10-02',
name: 'test4',
address: 'Changsha,Hunan'
More demo to visit here.
Attribute | Type | Accepted Values | Default | Description |
data | Array | - | [] | table data |
border | Boolean | - | false | whether show table border |
stripe | Boolean | - | false | whether table is striped |
loading | Boolean | - | false | show loading component |
empty-text | String | - | No Data | Displayed text when data is empty. You can customize this area with slot="empty" |
default-sort | Object | order : ascending/descending |
if prop is set, and order is not set, then order is default to ascending |
set the default sort column and order. property prop is used to set default sort column, property order is used to set default sort order |
row-class-name | String/Function({row, rowIndex}) | - | - | function that returns custom class names for a row, or a string assigning class names for every row |
pagination-info | Object | - | { text: '', pageSize: 10, nextPageText: 'Next', prevPageText: 'Prev' } | pagination info for table data |
shown-pagination | Boolean | - | false | whether showing pagination of table data |
total | Number | - | 0 | all data of table, it's needed when shown-pagination is true |
height | Number/String | - | auto | table's height |
row-height | Number/String | - | 40 | row's height |
show-summary | Boolean | - | false | whether to display a summary row |
sum-text | String | - | Sum | displayed text for the first column of summary row |
summary-method | Function({ columns, data }) | - | - | custom summary method |
lazy-load | Boolean | - | false | whether enable lazy-load |
col-height | Number/String | - | 40 | header columns' height |
Event Name | Description | Parameters |
sort-change | triggers when table's sorting changes | { prop, order } |
page-change | triggers when table's page changes | currentPage |
select-change | triggers when selection changes | rows |
Event Name | Description | Parameters |
toggleRowSelection | used in multiple selection Table, toggle if a certain row is selected. With the second parameter, you can directly set if this row is selected | row, selected |
updateScrollbar | update the scrollbar config for the table | - |
Name | Description |
empty | custom empty component, it's will show when data is empty |
loading | custom loading component, it's will show when loading property of table is true |
Attribute | Type | Accepted Values | Default | Description |
label | String | - | - | column label |
prop | String | - | - | field name |
width | String/Number | - | - | column width |
sortable | Boolean | true/false | false | whether column can be sorted. |
align | String | left/center/right | center | alignment |
fixed | String | left/right | - | fixed column to left or right |
type | String | - | - | type of the column |
render-header | Function(h, { column }) | - | - | render function for table header of this column |
git clone git@github.com:dwqs/v2-table.git
cd v2-table
npm i
npm run dev
- need to add in information about the styling that is optional
- need to change the css selector for selecting the odd and even rows css styles. Look in table-row
- need to get rid of the 3 types of Header => Rows => footer Options, there should only be 1 component that
- some how manages this for the table....
- row_hover_overlay__overLayPortion
- row_hover_overlay__background
- need to see if the prop attribute of table-column is used anywhere else...
- need to see if the type attribute of table-column is used anywhere else and is useful for the application...
- filter-svg css class is in table.vue put it somewhere else ##CHANGEAS
- added in the overlay
- got rid of the $emit('sort-change') it is better to keep it encapsulated
- getting rid of the type prop foir the table-column
- to sort now, you must have sortable and type, check in table-header
- repalce data with displayData, I am using displayData because we handle filtering and sorting internally
- column type is String by default
- added in the slot tableHeader
- for the class/style changes on the tableHeader, it will be deffinied by v2-table__header-dashboard