Project is a simple forum where you can register users, create topics and posts. Boards, topics and posts can be readed by anyone, but you have to be registered to create new topics or posts.
Project is somewhat done, probably no new features incoming
At least for some time I'm trying keep production link alive. And maybe fix some minor bugs.
Production link:
Due to costs, prod is down for now. App is easily tested with docker locally on own computer. Instructions on this page.
Features coming:
Users can upvote postsDoneAll tests run on pipelineDoneUsers can edit posts in one hour from creationDone- Images can be attached to posts Probably never going for this
Long term goal: Put this application running on AWS or AzureDone (AWS EC2)
On dev and local (docker) environments automatically is generated admin user for testing purposes Username: admin, password: root
- Individual users with roles
- Users can delete own posts. Admin can delete any posts
- Boards are predefined at the moment
- Users can create topics
- Users can upvote posts (one upvote per post)
- Users can update own posts one hour from creation. Admin can update anypost anytime.
- Secure authentication with JSON Web Token
- React + (TypeScript)
- Tailwind CSS
- React router V6
- Nginx (only when dockerizing product application)
- Spring Boot 3.1.2 (Java 17)
- Hibernate (PostgreSQL; using 15.1, other versions should be fine)
- Controller-Service-Repository -pattern
- Frontend unit tests: Jest
- Frontend E2E tests: Cypress
- Backend unit tests JUnit 5
- Backend API tests: Spring Boot RestTemplate
- Docker (not needed for local developing, only used for creating prodcution application and for testing on pipeline)
- GitHub Actions pipeline
- AWS (EC2)
In root folder run command
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" --env-file .env.local up --build
All needed configurations and env variables are in Git. Application will be hosted on localhost port 80 (Nginx)
Next tools need to be installed to run this locally:
- Node 18
- Java 17
- PostgreSQL 15.1 (some other versions may be ok, not tested)
- Maven 3.9.1 (some other versions may be ok, not tested)
In folder web-app
Install packages
npm install
Or if you want exactly like package-lock.json, then
npm ci
Start frontend in development mode
npm run dev
Dev server starts on port 3000
In backend-forum
folder run command next commands
Install packages
mvn install -DskipTests=true
And run project on development mode
mvn spring-boot:run
Project starts on port 8080
Create database called java-forum
. Hibernate will automatically populate all needed database tables. Testing environment needs database java-forum-test
All tests are run on pipeline (GitHub Actions) when pushing / making pull request on master branch
Install packages if not already installed. In web-app
folder run command
npm ci
Run unit tests with command
npm test
Run e2e tests with command npm run test:e2e
Before that start dev server on port 3000
npm run dev
or npm run preview
In folder backend-forum
start Spring Boot instance on port 8080 (default). Api tests will be run against on this instance.
mvn spring-boot:run
After that run command
mvn test -DargLine=""
Command runs all unit & api tests in test env