OpenAI Gym environments of various fun games.
- WordleEnv: The web-based word game developed by Josh Wardle.
- MoveArrowEnv: A mini puzzle in the temple of Isoland 2: Ashes of Time. Isoland is a serial adventure puzzle games.
- TraverseMazeEnv: A mini puzzle in the greenhouse of Machinarium.
- CoinGameEnv: A gambler's game told by the YouTuber 李永乐老师 as a 2-armed bandit problem.
- TicTacToeEnv: A 3-in-a-row board game on a 3x3 grid for two players called Tic-Tac-Toe.
- GobbletEnv: A simplified version of the 2-player board game Gobblet.
- APuzzleADay: The DragonFjord calendar puzzle game: A-Puzzle-A-Day.
cd .
pip install -e .