These scripts are for identifying potential full-length (FL) subreads or CCS reads using the 5' and 3' primer ligated to the transcripts during the cDNA library preparation step.
IMPORTANT: usage of the scripts is detailed in the wiki section. Please read it!!
See this page on how to use the full-length identification scripts.
- usage:
[-h] [-p PRIMER_FILENAME] [-i INPUT_FILENAME] [-d DIRECTORY] [-k PRIMER_SEARCH_WINDOW] [--cpus CPUS] [--left-nosee-ok] [--right-nosee-ok] [--output-anyway] [--change-seqid] [--min-seqlen MIN_SEQLEN] [--min-score MIN_SCORE] -o OUTPUT_FILENAME
This script requires phmmer from HMMER 3.0. If the output directory already exists, will skip running phmmer and directory go to primer trimming. If you want to re-run HMMER you must first delete the output directory manually. Refer to wiki: for more details.
- optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit - HMMER options:
-p PRIMER_FILENAME, --primer_filename PRIMER_FILENAME Primer fasta file -i INPUT_FILENAME, --input_filename INPUT_FILENAME Input fasta file (usually filtered_subreads.fasta or filtered_CCS_subreads.fasta) -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY Directory to store HMMER output (default: output/) -k PRIMER_SEARCH_WINDOW, --primer_search_window PRIMER_SEARCH_WINDOW Search in the first/last k-bp for primers. Must be longer than the longest primer. (default: 100) --cpus CPUS Number of CPUs to run HMMER (default: 8) - Primer trimming options:
--left-nosee-ok OK if 5' end not detected (default: off) --right-nosee-ok OK if 3' end not detected (default: off) --output-anyway Still output seqs w/ no primer (default: off) --change-seqid Change seq id to reflect trimming (default: off) --min-seqlen MIN_SEQLEN Minimum seqlength to output (default: 50) --min-score MIN_SCORE Minimum bit score for primer hit (default: 10) -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output_filename OUTPUT_FILENAME Output fasta filename
If SMRTbell adapters are missed, sometimes it'll still be considered full-length by (especially when the 5' and 3' primers are identical or highly similar). To further eliminate these subreads, after running, you can run this extra script:
You should use the output fasta and .primer_info.txt from
Currently, this filtering is done by simply looking at the FL subread length distributions in the same ZMW and eliminate those that have too short or too long subread length (despite seeing both 5' and 3').
The output from this script are all subreads that: (1) have 5' and 3' seen and (2) are likely not to contain a missing adapter.
The is a lot more demanding on prerequisites. Read here for a detailed tutorial.
usage: [-h] -d OUTPUT_DIRECTORY -m PRIMER_MATCH_FILE -p OUTPUT_PREFIX [--read_pickle READ_PICKLE] [--ref_size REF_SIZE] [--refStrandPickle REFSTRANDPICKLE] [--restrictByPM] job_directory
Create some plots for transcript analyses.
- positional arguments:
- job_directory
- optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit -d OUTPUT_DIRECTORY OUTPUT_DIRECTORY -m PRIMER_MATCH_FILE PRIMER_MATCH_FILE -p OUTPUT_PREFIX OUTPUT_PREFIX --read_pickle READ_PICKLE --ref_size REF_SIZE --refStrandPickle REFSTRANDPICKLE --restrictByPM Using .primer_info.txt to restrict what subreads to look at