builds a data-frame from scrapped data from various web addresses, the main for scraping, contains a method that first takes in the excel sheet that was manually filled with eGauge names and their respective longitudes and latitudes and forms a reference csv file for the egauges and their nearest airport's call IDs There are then 3 methods used for scraping, one of which that is used for testing that scrapes specific days one at a time. There is another called "scrape" that scrapes every hour of every date for a specific airport and places the data into a csv file. The final method, "scrape_all" is used to cycle through all the airports in the reference csv file and call scrape on each airport only once. The full_list is necesary in running this file and is generated using the egauge solar data scraping file (it tells the scrape method how far to go back in time for each airport. Without it the airports would be scraped all the way back to their first every recorded date.)
Once this is done the files can be processed using and which are both used for rounding timestamps, changing the Weather Underground given values to numeric values, removing units and creating more specific and organized csv files for analysis of specific metrics.