In these pages you will find the jupyter
notebooks that are needed to fully reproduce the results of chapters 6 and 7, about various applications of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory to investigate the B-meson anomalies and their relation to other observables.
For the source code, go to and to download the notebooks, go to
This code was used for the following papers:
- Jorge Alda, Jaume Guasch, Siannah Penaranda, Anomalies in B mesons decays: A phenomenological approach.
- Jorge Alda, Jaume Guasch, Siannah Penaranda, Anomalies in B mesons decays: Present status and future collider prospects. Contribution to LCWS2021.
- Jorge Alda, Jaume Guasch, Siannah Penaranda, Using Machine Learning techniques in phenomenological studies in flavour physics.
- Jorge Alda, Jaume Guasch, Siannah Penaranda, Exploring B-physics anomalies at colliders. Contribution to EPS-HEP2021.
The simplest way to run the notebooks is by visiting
Click on demo.ipynb
to see a simple example, or navigate the folders to run the code [Be careful! Binder might impose CPU limits for long computations].
You can save any generated files with the menu File > Download. All files will be lost after shutting down Binder.
The cleanest way to run the notebooks is using the Docker container. In this way you always have the right version of each packaging without interfering with the rest of your system. To get the container use the command (only the first time, may take a while)
docker pull jorgealda/smeft19-notebooks
and to start it
docker run -p 8888:8888 jorgealda/smeft19-notebooks
Copy the url that will appear at the bottom of the terminal and open it in your favourite browser.
Click on demo.ipynb
to see a simple example, or navigate the folders to run the code. You can save any generated files with the menu File > Download.
Using File > Shut Down closes the JupyterLab and deletes the current container, so don't do this if you want to come back. If you just want to temporally stop the container, open another terminal and type
docker ps -a | grep smeft19-notebooks
and you will get something like this
068d5ecc684e jorgealda/smeft19-notebooks "/usr/local/bin/repo…" 43 seconds ago Up 37 seconds>8888/tcp, :::8888->8888/tcp agitated_wiles
The first hexadecimal digits, 068d5ecc684e
in this case, are the ID of the running container (yours will be different). You can stop the container using
docker stop 068d5ecc684e
To restart the container, use
docker start 068d5ecc684e && docker attach
To retrieve any file, even if the container is stopped, use Docker's cp
. Files are stored by default in /home/smeft19/
, and a copy the data produced for my thesis is in /home/smeft19/data/
. If you have executed the Notebook demo.ipynb
, you can get the generated plot with the command
docker cp 068d5ecc684e:/home/smeft19/demo.pdf demo.pdf