This is my personal portfolio as a software developer, where you can explore my projects skills and, my approach to web development. The portfolio is built using modern technologies and fouceses on provinding a fast an engaging user experience.
- Showcase of personal projects with detailed descriptions and links to repositories
- Interactive UI built with react and styled with Tailwind CSS
- Responsive design for optimal viewing on all devices (not supporting IE 11)
- Real-time deployment updates through Github Pages
- Astro: A high-performance static site generator that integrates technologies like React and Tailwind CSS.
- React: A library for building interactive user interfaces and reusable components.
- TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that provides static typing, helping reduce errors and improve code maintainability.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for building custom designs with utility classes.
- Material UI: A React component library following Material Design principles, making it easier to build consistent and accessible interfaces.
- Nanostores: A library for efficient state management in reactive applications.
- dotenv: A module for loading environment variables securely, used to manage sensitive configurations.
This project uses GitHub Actions to automate the process of building and deploying the portfolio.
Every time a new version is tagged (e.g., 'v1.0.0), the workflow is triggered to:
- Clean up previous deployment
- Build the portfolio using the latest code
- Deploy the built site to GitHub Pages
- Triggered by: Git tags (e.g.,
) or manual trigger- Build process
- Checks out the code.
- Sets enviroment variables.
- Builds the site using Astro and uploads it.
- Deployment: The site is deployed to GitHub Pages
- Build process
- LinkedIn: jamz3