In order to be considered for the iOS position, you must complete the following steps.
Note: This task should take no longer than 2 hours.
Please note that this will require Objective-C or Swift knowledge.
Don't worry about styling for this test. We are only concerned with your iOS knowledge and implementation.
- Fork this repository (if you don't know how to do that, Google is your friend)
- Use the wireframes as the basis for your layout and API docs for your networking calls.
- Please create an iOS app that accomplishes the following:
- Connect to the Mock REST API
- GET - Friends List
- GET - Friends Detail
- Create the Friends List as shown in the wireframe. Use whatever tools, libraries, that you feel are necessary to complete the job.
- If you still have time or would like the challenge. When a user clicks on a Friend bring them to the Friend Profile page. Note: There is only one Friend profile object that is available through the API. Use this for all detail pages.
- Connect to the Mock REST API
- Commit and push your code to your new repository
- Send us a pull request, we will review your code and get back to you.