Project name: WebApp Adviz
Project description: Webapplication to add and store contacts with multiple users.
This project is from Júlia only, I am doing this for University. This webapplication stores, updates, deletes and adds contacts. There are multiple users with different roles.
A list of the complex technologies used within this project:
Just do it:
$ git clone
After it install all necessary libraries and packages to be able to run it. Please enter as follows:
npm i express express-session express-flash
npm i --save-dev nodemon dotenv
Go to the folder with the code by doing:
cd ./Webapp
Now run the webapplication with this command:
npm run devStart
It will be running locally in any browser or Postman in this port:
Don't give instructions on how to collaborate with my project! Otherwise it would be a Taeuschungsversuch...
A list of frequently asked questions
- Why am I coding this? For University
- How many people are coding this? Me, myself and I = 1 person