1. Pywin32 can only interact with the full desktop Outlook app (office 365 download) NOT the Office apps installed in Windows by default.
2. Outlook must store emails onto a local cache (limiting email search for very old emails).
3. Pywin32 is an external library that must be downloaded for the script to work properly. (I prefer to keep things as built-in as possible)
After some research I found possible solutions using pop/imap, EWS, and MS Graph API.
Pop, imap, and EWS must be enabled to use these these methods. Unfortunately, my organization does not allows these, and I cannot enable this without Admin Consent.
This left Microsoft Graph API.
The only downside with Graph API is that a Microsoft Azure account is required. Fortunately, I was able to sign up for an Azure Account and create app permissions through my organization.Note: One can create an Azure Account for 'free' for a year, but credit card information is still required; do this at your own risk. Azure App Configuration is a process in and of itself, especially for new users.
Here is a short diagram explaining the requirements for Graph API. After an app is registered with Azure (or Entra), you can write code to interact with the API.
Before you can use the API, you require a token. The process for retrieving the token with MSAL is shown below: Tokens are then used in headers for requests on different endpoints to retrieve data.
Microsoft's Documentation does not really go in detail with the api output data, BUT they provide a very useful tool for viewing this data:
You can use the Graph Explorer to better understand the data from graph requests for your purposes.
This tool allows you to change different api permissions, experiment with endpoints, etc. to receive data.
This is very helpful for interacting with data to understand what type of structures are sent through the requests.
For more information regarding Graph API, check out Microsoft's Documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/overview
All endpoints are prefixed with https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/
- User Information:
endpoints = {
"profile": "/me",
"photo": "/me/photo",
"manager": "/me/manager",
"direct_reports": "/me/directReports"
- Email & Calendar:
endpoints = {
"messages": "/me/messages",
"inbox": "/me/mailFolders/inbox/messages",
"sent_items": "/me/mailFolders/sentItems/messages",
"calendar": "/me/calendar",
"events": "/me/events",
"calendar_view": "/me/calendarView"
- OneDrive & Files:
endpoints = {
"my_files": "/me/drive/root/children",
"shared_files": "/me/drive/sharedWithMe",
"specific_folder": "/me/drive/root:/FolderName:/children"
- Teams:
endpoints = {
"my_teams": "/me/joinedTeams",
"channels": "/teams/{team-id}/channels",
"team_messages": "/teams/{team-id}/channels/{channel-id}/messages"
- Contacts:
endpoints = {
"contacts": "/me/contacts",
"contact_folders": "/me/contactFolders"
- Common Query Parameters:
params = {
"$select": "field1,field2", # Choose specific fields
"$filter": "field eq 'value'", # Filter results
"$orderby": "field desc", # Sort results
"$top": 10, # Limit results
"$skip": 10, # Skip first 10 results
"$expand": "field", # Include related entities
"$search": '"keywords"' # Search in content
- Example using search in emails:
def search_emails(access_token, search_term):
graph_url = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages"
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
params = {
"$search": f'"{search_term}"',
"$top": 10,
"$select": "subject,receivedDateTime,from"
response = requests.get(graph_url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.json()
Some tips:
- Use /beta instead of /v1.0 in the URL to access preview features
- Most endpoints support OData query parameters
- Some operations require different permission scopes
- Rate limits apply, so consider implementing pagination for large datasets
Mail attachments: mail response will be metadata with attachments in the 'value' array
"value": [
"id": "some-email-id",
"subject": "Test Email",
"attachments": [
"id": "attachment-id-1",
"name": "document.pdf",
"contentType": "application/pdf",
"size": 123456,
"isInline": false
"id": "attachment-id-2",
"name": "image.jpg",
"contentType": "image/jpeg",
"size": 654321,
"isInline": false
**Notes: 1. Mail.ReadBasic App permissions only show limited mail information (no body is sent) 2. Searching specific folders CANNOT be done with folder names; they must use folder_id.
to get the attachment, use the attachment id and the endpoint:
metadata: /me/messages/{message-id}/attachments/{attachment-id}/
content: /me/messages/{message-id}/attachments/{attachment-id}/$value
save_attachment(token, message_id, attachment_id, attachment_name):
graph_url = https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages/{message-id}/attachments/{attachment-id}/$value
attachment_url = https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages/{message-id}/attachments/{attachment-id}/$value
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.get(attachment_url, headers=headers)
filename = f"{attachment_id}_{attachment_name}"
with open(filename, 'wb') as f: