This repository contains a collection of mini projects created using the Python Tkinter library for building graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The projects demonstrate the use of Tkinter widgets, layouts, event handling, and the integration of images using the PIL (Python Imaging Library) module.
A simple GUI login form that mimics the look and feel of a Flipkart login page. The form includes input fields for username and password, along with a login button.
Entry widgets for username and password
Button widget for submitting the form
Basic validation checks
A functional calculator GUI that performs basic arithmetic operations. The calculator has a user-friendly interface with buttons for numbers and operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Button widgets for digits and operators
Entry widget for displaying the result
Functionality to handle clear and backspace operations
A visually appealing GUI application that showcases a sliding wallpaper effect. The wallpaper images change dynamically to create a smooth sliding animation.
Use of ImageTk and Image from the PIL module
Dynamic image loading
Smooth animation effect
Python 3.x
Tkinter (comes pre-installed with Python)
PIL (Python Imaging Library)