✨ New Features
- added apigateway.tf (commit by @kpblmMik)c99930d
- gh-pages branch has been created (commit by @Sadek-Murad)045cf5c
- Add CI/CD workflow for Docker build, push and Helm chart release (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- terraform has been updated (commit by @Sadek-Murad)109ca61
- commits (commit by @Mone19)e038f63
- main.tf has been updated (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
✅ Tests
- test the s3 pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)467f20f
- test the s3 pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)413c5ba
- test the s3 pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)a5315fa
- test the s3 pipline on the merge branch before merge on main (commit by @Sadek-Murad)858cace
- test the s3 pipline on main (commit by @Sadek-Murad)86b9dcb
- test the argro localy (commit by @Sadek-Murad)