WIP - Rewriting tests to use vitest #2399
10 errors and 1 warning
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > new batch > should support root batch:
Error: HTTP 400 Invalid parameters: Invalid request parameter (requests in body: Required)
❯ HTTP.processResponse src/http/http.ts:145:13
❯ KintoClient.execute src/http/base.ts:583:20
❯ KintoClient._batchRequests src/http/base.ts:455:28
❯ KintoClient.batch src/http/base.ts:515:23
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:138:9
Serialized Error: { response: { size: +0, timeout: +0, constructor: 'Function<Response>', url: '', status: 400, ok: false, redirected: false, statusText: 'Bad Request', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', get: 'Function<get>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>', set: 'Function<set>', append: 'Function<append>', has: 'Function<has>', delete: 'Function<delete>', raw: 'Function<raw>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<[Symbol.iterator]>' }, clone: 'Function<clone>', body: { _events: { close: undefined, error: [ 'Function<anonymous>', 'Function<anonymous>' ], prefinish: 'Function<prefinish>', finish: undefined, drain: undefined, data: 'Function<anonymous>', end: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: undefined, unpipe: undefined }, _readableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, buffer: [], bufferIndex: +0, length: +0, pipes: [], awaitDrainWriters: null, constructor: 'Function<ReadableState>', objectMode: false, ended: true, endEmitted: true, reading: false, constructed: true, sync: false, needReadable: false, emittedReadable: false, readableListening: false, resumeScheduled: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, destroyed: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, multiAwaitDrain: false, readingMore: false, dataEmitted: true, errored: null, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', decoder: null, encoding: null, flowing: true, pipesCount: +0, paused: false }, _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, length: +0, corked: +0, onwrite: 'Function<bound onwrite>', writelen: +0, bufferedIndex: +0, pendingcb: +0, constructor: 'Function<WritableState>', objectMode: false, finalCalled: true, needDrain: false, ending: true, ended: true, finished: true, destroyed: true, decodeStrings: true, writing: false, sync: false, bufferProcessing: false, constructed: true, prefinished: true, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, allBuffers: true, allNoop: true, errored: null, writable: undefined, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', writecb: 'Function<nop>', afterWriteTickInfo: null, buffered: [], getBuffer: 'Function<getBuffer>', bufferedRequestCount: +0 }, allowHalfOpen: true, _maxListeners: undefined, _eventsCount: 4, constructor: 'Function<PassThrough>', _transform: 'Function<anonymous>', _final: 'Function<final>', _write: 'Function<anonymous>', _read: 'Function<anonymous>', write: 'Function<anonymous>', cork: 'Function<anonymous>', uncork: 'Function<anonymous>', setDefaultEncoding: 'Function<setDefaultEncoding>', _writev: null, end: 'Function<anonymous>', destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', writable: false, writableHighWaterMark: 16384, writableObjectMode: false, writableBuffer: [], writableLength: +0, writableFinished: true, writableCorked: +0, writableEnded: true, writableNeedDrain: false, destroyed: true, _undestroy: 'Function<undestroy>', _destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', push: 'Function<anonymous>', unshift: 'Function<anonymous>', isPaused: 'Function<anonymous>', setEncoding: 'Function<anonymous>', read: 'Function<anonymous>', pipe: 'Function<anonymous>', unpipe: 'Function<anonymous>', on: 'Function<anonymous>', addListener: 'Function<anonymous>', removeListener: 'Function<anonymous>', off: 'Function<anonymous>', removeAllListeners: 'Function<anonymous>', resume: 'Function<anonymous>', pause: 'Function<anonymous>', wrap: 'Function<anonymous>', iterator: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: false, readableDidRead: true, readableAborted: false, readableHighWaterMark: 16384, readableBuffer: [], readableFlowing: true, readableLength: +0, readableObjectMode: false, readableEncoding: null, errored: null, closed: true, readableEnded: true, asIndexedPairs: 'Function<deprecated>', drop: 'Function<drop>', f
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > new batch > should support bucket batch:
Error: HTTP 400 Invalid parameters: Invalid request parameter (requests in body: Required)
❯ HTTP.processResponse src/http/http.ts:145:13
❯ KintoClient.execute src/http/base.ts:583:20
❯ KintoClient._batchRequests src/http/base.ts:455:28
❯ KintoClient.batch src/http/base.ts:515:23
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:153:9
Serialized Error: { response: { size: +0, timeout: +0, constructor: 'Function<Response>', url: '', status: 400, ok: false, redirected: false, statusText: 'Bad Request', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', get: 'Function<get>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>', set: 'Function<set>', append: 'Function<append>', has: 'Function<has>', delete: 'Function<delete>', raw: 'Function<raw>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<[Symbol.iterator]>' }, clone: 'Function<clone>', body: { _events: { close: undefined, error: [ 'Function<anonymous>', 'Function<anonymous>' ], prefinish: 'Function<prefinish>', finish: undefined, drain: undefined, data: 'Function<anonymous>', end: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: undefined, unpipe: undefined }, _readableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, buffer: [], bufferIndex: +0, length: +0, pipes: [], awaitDrainWriters: null, constructor: 'Function<ReadableState>', objectMode: false, ended: true, endEmitted: true, reading: false, constructed: true, sync: false, needReadable: false, emittedReadable: false, readableListening: false, resumeScheduled: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, destroyed: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, multiAwaitDrain: false, readingMore: false, dataEmitted: true, errored: null, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', decoder: null, encoding: null, flowing: true, pipesCount: +0, paused: false }, _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, length: +0, corked: +0, onwrite: 'Function<bound onwrite>', writelen: +0, bufferedIndex: +0, pendingcb: +0, constructor: 'Function<WritableState>', objectMode: false, finalCalled: true, needDrain: false, ending: true, ended: true, finished: true, destroyed: true, decodeStrings: true, writing: false, sync: false, bufferProcessing: false, constructed: true, prefinished: true, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, allBuffers: true, allNoop: true, errored: null, writable: undefined, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', writecb: 'Function<nop>', afterWriteTickInfo: null, buffered: [], getBuffer: 'Function<getBuffer>', bufferedRequestCount: +0 }, allowHalfOpen: true, _maxListeners: undefined, _eventsCount: 4, constructor: 'Function<PassThrough>', _transform: 'Function<anonymous>', _final: 'Function<final>', _write: 'Function<anonymous>', _read: 'Function<anonymous>', write: 'Function<anonymous>', cork: 'Function<anonymous>', uncork: 'Function<anonymous>', setDefaultEncoding: 'Function<setDefaultEncoding>', _writev: null, end: 'Function<anonymous>', destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', writable: false, writableHighWaterMark: 16384, writableObjectMode: false, writableBuffer: [], writableLength: +0, writableFinished: true, writableCorked: +0, writableEnded: true, writableNeedDrain: false, destroyed: true, _undestroy: 'Function<undestroy>', _destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', push: 'Function<anonymous>', unshift: 'Function<anonymous>', isPaused: 'Function<anonymous>', setEncoding: 'Function<anonymous>', read: 'Function<anonymous>', pipe: 'Function<anonymous>', unpipe: 'Function<anonymous>', on: 'Function<anonymous>', addListener: 'Function<anonymous>', removeListener: 'Function<anonymous>', off: 'Function<anonymous>', removeAllListeners: 'Function<anonymous>', resume: 'Function<anonymous>', pause: 'Function<anonymous>', wrap: 'Function<anonymous>', iterator: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: false, readableDidRead: true, readableAborted: false, readableHighWaterMark: 16384, readableBuffer: [], readableFlowing: true, readableLength: +0, readableObjectMode: false, readableEncoding: null, errored: null, closed: true, readableEnded: true, asIndexedPairs: 'Function<deprecated>', drop: 'Function<drop>', f
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > Server properties > should retrieve user information:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:188:22
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > #createBucket > Default options > Autogenerated id > should create a bucket:
Error: HTTP 401 Unauthorized: Missing Authorization Token (Please authenticate yourself to use this endpoint.)
❯ HTTP.processResponse src/http/http.ts:145:13
❯ KintoClient.execute src/http/base.ts:583:20
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:203:22
Serialized Error: { response: { size: +0, timeout: +0, constructor: 'Function<Response>', url: '', status: 401, ok: false, redirected: false, statusText: 'Unauthorized', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', get: 'Function<get>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>', set: 'Function<set>', append: 'Function<append>', has: 'Function<has>', delete: 'Function<delete>', raw: 'Function<raw>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<[Symbol.iterator]>' }, clone: 'Function<clone>', body: { _events: { close: undefined, error: [ 'Function<anonymous>', 'Function<anonymous>' ], prefinish: 'Function<prefinish>', finish: undefined, drain: undefined, data: 'Function<anonymous>', end: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: undefined, unpipe: undefined }, _readableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, buffer: [], bufferIndex: +0, length: +0, pipes: [], awaitDrainWriters: null, constructor: 'Function<ReadableState>', objectMode: false, ended: true, endEmitted: true, reading: false, constructed: true, sync: false, needReadable: false, emittedReadable: false, readableListening: false, resumeScheduled: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, destroyed: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, multiAwaitDrain: false, readingMore: false, dataEmitted: true, errored: null, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', decoder: null, encoding: null, flowing: true, pipesCount: +0, paused: false }, _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, length: +0, corked: +0, onwrite: 'Function<bound onwrite>', writelen: +0, bufferedIndex: +0, pendingcb: +0, constructor: 'Function<WritableState>', objectMode: false, finalCalled: true, needDrain: false, ending: true, ended: true, finished: true, destroyed: true, decodeStrings: true, writing: false, sync: false, bufferProcessing: false, constructed: true, prefinished: true, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, allBuffers: true, allNoop: true, errored: null, writable: undefined, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', writecb: 'Function<nop>', afterWriteTickInfo: null, buffered: [], getBuffer: 'Function<getBuffer>', bufferedRequestCount: +0 }, allowHalfOpen: true, _maxListeners: undefined, _eventsCount: 4, constructor: 'Function<PassThrough>', _transform: 'Function<anonymous>', _final: 'Function<final>', _write: 'Function<anonymous>', _read: 'Function<anonymous>', write: 'Function<anonymous>', cork: 'Function<anonymous>', uncork: 'Function<anonymous>', setDefaultEncoding: 'Function<setDefaultEncoding>', _writev: null, end: 'Function<anonymous>', destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', writable: false, writableHighWaterMark: 16384, writableObjectMode: false, writableBuffer: [], writableLength: +0, writableFinished: true, writableCorked: +0, writableEnded: true, writableNeedDrain: false, destroyed: true, _undestroy: 'Function<undestroy>', _destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', push: 'Function<anonymous>', unshift: 'Function<anonymous>', isPaused: 'Function<anonymous>', setEncoding: 'Function<anonymous>', read: 'Function<anonymous>', pipe: 'Function<anonymous>', unpipe: 'Function<anonymous>', on: 'Function<anonymous>', addListener: 'Function<anonymous>', removeListener: 'Function<anonymous>', off: 'Function<anonymous>', removeAllListeners: 'Function<anonymous>', resume: 'Function<anonymous>', pause: 'Function<anonymous>', wrap: 'Function<anonymous>', iterator: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: false, readableDidRead: true, readableAborted: false, readableHighWaterMark: 16384, readableBuffer: [], readableFlowing: true, readableLength: +0, readableObjectMode: false, readableEncoding: null, errored: null, closed: true, readableEnded: true, asIndexedPairs: 'Function<deprecated>', drop: 'Function<drop>', filter: 'Function<filter>', flatMap: 'Function<flatMap>', map: 'Function<map
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > #createBucket > Default options > Custom id > should create a bucket with the passed id:
Error: HTTP 401 Unauthorized: Missing Authorization Token (Please authenticate yourself to use this endpoint.)
❯ HTTP.processResponse src/http/http.ts:145:13
❯ KintoClient.execute src/http/base.ts:583:20
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:213:22
Serialized Error: { response: { size: +0, timeout: +0, constructor: 'Function<Response>', url: '', status: 401, ok: false, redirected: false, statusText: 'Unauthorized', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', get: 'Function<get>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>', set: 'Function<set>', append: 'Function<append>', has: 'Function<has>', delete: 'Function<delete>', raw: 'Function<raw>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<[Symbol.iterator]>' }, clone: 'Function<clone>', body: { _events: { close: undefined, error: [ 'Function<anonymous>', 'Function<anonymous>' ], prefinish: 'Function<prefinish>', finish: undefined, drain: undefined, data: 'Function<anonymous>', end: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: undefined, unpipe: undefined }, _readableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, buffer: [], bufferIndex: +0, length: +0, pipes: [], awaitDrainWriters: null, constructor: 'Function<ReadableState>', objectMode: false, ended: true, endEmitted: true, reading: false, constructed: true, sync: false, needReadable: false, emittedReadable: false, readableListening: false, resumeScheduled: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, destroyed: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, multiAwaitDrain: false, readingMore: false, dataEmitted: true, errored: null, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', decoder: null, encoding: null, flowing: true, pipesCount: +0, paused: false }, _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, length: +0, corked: +0, onwrite: 'Function<bound onwrite>', writelen: +0, bufferedIndex: +0, pendingcb: +0, constructor: 'Function<WritableState>', objectMode: false, finalCalled: true, needDrain: false, ending: true, ended: true, finished: true, destroyed: true, decodeStrings: true, writing: false, sync: false, bufferProcessing: false, constructed: true, prefinished: true, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, allBuffers: true, allNoop: true, errored: null, writable: undefined, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', writecb: 'Function<nop>', afterWriteTickInfo: null, buffered: [], getBuffer: 'Function<getBuffer>', bufferedRequestCount: +0 }, allowHalfOpen: true, _maxListeners: undefined, _eventsCount: 4, constructor: 'Function<PassThrough>', _transform: 'Function<anonymous>', _final: 'Function<final>', _write: 'Function<anonymous>', _read: 'Function<anonymous>', write: 'Function<anonymous>', cork: 'Function<anonymous>', uncork: 'Function<anonymous>', setDefaultEncoding: 'Function<setDefaultEncoding>', _writev: null, end: 'Function<anonymous>', destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', writable: false, writableHighWaterMark: 16384, writableObjectMode: false, writableBuffer: [], writableLength: +0, writableFinished: true, writableCorked: +0, writableEnded: true, writableNeedDrain: false, destroyed: true, _undestroy: 'Function<undestroy>', _destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', push: 'Function<anonymous>', unshift: 'Function<anonymous>', isPaused: 'Function<anonymous>', setEncoding: 'Function<anonymous>', read: 'Function<anonymous>', pipe: 'Function<anonymous>', unpipe: 'Function<anonymous>', on: 'Function<anonymous>', addListener: 'Function<anonymous>', removeListener: 'Function<anonymous>', off: 'Function<anonymous>', removeAllListeners: 'Function<anonymous>', resume: 'Function<anonymous>', pause: 'Function<anonymous>', wrap: 'Function<anonymous>', iterator: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: false, readableDidRead: true, readableAborted: false, readableHighWaterMark: 16384, readableBuffer: [], readableFlowing: true, readableLength: +0, readableObjectMode: false, readableEncoding: null, errored: null, closed: true, readableEnded: true, asIndexedPairs: 'Function<deprecated>', drop: 'Function<drop>', filter: 'Function<filter>', flatMap: 'Function<flatMap>', map: 'Function
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > #createBucket > Default options > Custom id > should create a bucket having a list of write permissions:
Error: HTTP 401 Unauthorized: Missing Authorization Token (Please authenticate yourself to use this endpoint.)
❯ HTTP.processResponse src/http/http.ts:145:13
❯ KintoClient.execute src/http/base.ts:583:20
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:213:22
Serialized Error: { response: { size: +0, timeout: +0, constructor: 'Function<Response>', url: '', status: 401, ok: false, redirected: false, statusText: 'Unauthorized', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', get: 'Function<get>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>', set: 'Function<set>', append: 'Function<append>', has: 'Function<has>', delete: 'Function<delete>', raw: 'Function<raw>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<[Symbol.iterator]>' }, clone: 'Function<clone>', body: { _events: { close: undefined, error: [ 'Function<anonymous>', 'Function<anonymous>' ], prefinish: 'Function<prefinish>', finish: undefined, drain: undefined, data: 'Function<anonymous>', end: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: undefined, unpipe: undefined }, _readableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, buffer: [], bufferIndex: +0, length: +0, pipes: [], awaitDrainWriters: null, constructor: 'Function<ReadableState>', objectMode: false, ended: true, endEmitted: true, reading: false, constructed: true, sync: false, needReadable: false, emittedReadable: false, readableListening: false, resumeScheduled: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, destroyed: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, multiAwaitDrain: false, readingMore: false, dataEmitted: true, errored: null, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', decoder: null, encoding: null, flowing: true, pipesCount: +0, paused: false }, _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, length: +0, corked: +0, onwrite: 'Function<bound onwrite>', writelen: +0, bufferedIndex: +0, pendingcb: +0, constructor: 'Function<WritableState>', objectMode: false, finalCalled: true, needDrain: false, ending: true, ended: true, finished: true, destroyed: true, decodeStrings: true, writing: false, sync: false, bufferProcessing: false, constructed: true, prefinished: true, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, allBuffers: true, allNoop: true, errored: null, writable: undefined, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', writecb: 'Function<nop>', afterWriteTickInfo: null, buffered: [], getBuffer: 'Function<getBuffer>', bufferedRequestCount: +0 }, allowHalfOpen: true, _maxListeners: undefined, _eventsCount: 4, constructor: 'Function<PassThrough>', _transform: 'Function<anonymous>', _final: 'Function<final>', _write: 'Function<anonymous>', _read: 'Function<anonymous>', write: 'Function<anonymous>', cork: 'Function<anonymous>', uncork: 'Function<anonymous>', setDefaultEncoding: 'Function<setDefaultEncoding>', _writev: null, end: 'Function<anonymous>', destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', writable: false, writableHighWaterMark: 16384, writableObjectMode: false, writableBuffer: [], writableLength: +0, writableFinished: true, writableCorked: +0, writableEnded: true, writableNeedDrain: false, destroyed: true, _undestroy: 'Function<undestroy>', _destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', push: 'Function<anonymous>', unshift: 'Function<anonymous>', isPaused: 'Function<anonymous>', setEncoding: 'Function<anonymous>', read: 'Function<anonymous>', pipe: 'Function<anonymous>', unpipe: 'Function<anonymous>', on: 'Function<anonymous>', addListener: 'Function<anonymous>', removeListener: 'Function<anonymous>', off: 'Function<anonymous>', removeAllListeners: 'Function<anonymous>', resume: 'Function<anonymous>', pause: 'Function<anonymous>', wrap: 'Function<anonymous>', iterator: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: false, readableDidRead: true, readableAborted: false, readableHighWaterMark: 16384, readableBuffer: [], readableFlowing: true, readableLength: +0, readableObjectMode: false, readableEncoding: null, errored: null, closed: true, readableEnded: true, asIndexedPairs: 'Function<deprecated>', drop: 'Function<drop>', filter: 'Function<filter>', flatMap: 'Function<flatMap>', map: 'Function
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > #createBucket > Default options > Custom id > data option > should create bucket data:
Error: HTTP 401 Unauthorized: Missing Authorization Token (Please authenticate yourself to use this endpoint.)
❯ HTTP.processResponse src/http/http.ts:145:13
❯ KintoClient.execute src/http/base.ts:583:20
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:213:22
Serialized Error: { response: { size: +0, timeout: +0, constructor: 'Function<Response>', url: '', status: 401, ok: false, redirected: false, statusText: 'Unauthorized', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', get: 'Function<get>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>', set: 'Function<set>', append: 'Function<append>', has: 'Function<has>', delete: 'Function<delete>', raw: 'Function<raw>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<[Symbol.iterator]>' }, clone: 'Function<clone>', body: { _events: { close: undefined, error: [ 'Function<anonymous>', 'Function<anonymous>' ], prefinish: 'Function<prefinish>', finish: undefined, drain: undefined, data: 'Function<anonymous>', end: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: undefined, unpipe: undefined }, _readableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, buffer: [], bufferIndex: +0, length: +0, pipes: [], awaitDrainWriters: null, constructor: 'Function<ReadableState>', objectMode: false, ended: true, endEmitted: true, reading: false, constructed: true, sync: false, needReadable: false, emittedReadable: false, readableListening: false, resumeScheduled: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, destroyed: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, multiAwaitDrain: false, readingMore: false, dataEmitted: true, errored: null, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', decoder: null, encoding: null, flowing: true, pipesCount: +0, paused: false }, _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, length: +0, corked: +0, onwrite: 'Function<bound onwrite>', writelen: +0, bufferedIndex: +0, pendingcb: +0, constructor: 'Function<WritableState>', objectMode: false, finalCalled: true, needDrain: false, ending: true, ended: true, finished: true, destroyed: true, decodeStrings: true, writing: false, sync: false, bufferProcessing: false, constructed: true, prefinished: true, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, allBuffers: true, allNoop: true, errored: null, writable: undefined, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', writecb: 'Function<nop>', afterWriteTickInfo: null, buffered: [], getBuffer: 'Function<getBuffer>', bufferedRequestCount: +0 }, allowHalfOpen: true, _maxListeners: undefined, _eventsCount: 4, constructor: 'Function<PassThrough>', _transform: 'Function<anonymous>', _final: 'Function<final>', _write: 'Function<anonymous>', _read: 'Function<anonymous>', write: 'Function<anonymous>', cork: 'Function<anonymous>', uncork: 'Function<anonymous>', setDefaultEncoding: 'Function<setDefaultEncoding>', _writev: null, end: 'Function<anonymous>', destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', writable: false, writableHighWaterMark: 16384, writableObjectMode: false, writableBuffer: [], writableLength: +0, writableFinished: true, writableCorked: +0, writableEnded: true, writableNeedDrain: false, destroyed: true, _undestroy: 'Function<undestroy>', _destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', push: 'Function<anonymous>', unshift: 'Function<anonymous>', isPaused: 'Function<anonymous>', setEncoding: 'Function<anonymous>', read: 'Function<anonymous>', pipe: 'Function<anonymous>', unpipe: 'Function<anonymous>', on: 'Function<anonymous>', addListener: 'Function<anonymous>', removeListener: 'Function<anonymous>', off: 'Function<anonymous>', removeAllListeners: 'Function<anonymous>', resume: 'Function<anonymous>', pause: 'Function<anonymous>', wrap: 'Function<anonymous>', iterator: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: false, readableDidRead: true, readableAborted: false, readableHighWaterMark: 16384, readableBuffer: [], readableFlowing: true, readableLength: +0, readableObjectMode: false, readableEncoding: null, errored: null, closed: true, readableEnded: true, asIndexedPairs: 'Function<deprecated>', drop: 'Function<drop>', filter: 'Function<filter>', flatMap: 'Function<flatMap>', map: 'Function
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > #createBucket > Default options > Custom id > Safe option > should not override existing bucket:
Error: HTTP 401 Unauthorized: Missing Authorization Token (Please authenticate yourself to use this endpoint.)
❯ HTTP.processResponse src/http/http.ts:145:13
❯ KintoClient.execute src/http/base.ts:583:20
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:213:22
Serialized Error: { response: { size: +0, timeout: +0, constructor: 'Function<Response>', url: '', status: 401, ok: false, redirected: false, statusText: 'Unauthorized', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', get: 'Function<get>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>', set: 'Function<set>', append: 'Function<append>', has: 'Function<has>', delete: 'Function<delete>', raw: 'Function<raw>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<[Symbol.iterator]>' }, clone: 'Function<clone>', body: { _events: { close: undefined, error: [ 'Function<anonymous>', 'Function<anonymous>' ], prefinish: 'Function<prefinish>', finish: undefined, drain: undefined, data: 'Function<anonymous>', end: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: undefined, unpipe: undefined }, _readableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, buffer: [], bufferIndex: +0, length: +0, pipes: [], awaitDrainWriters: null, constructor: 'Function<ReadableState>', objectMode: false, ended: true, endEmitted: true, reading: false, constructed: true, sync: false, needReadable: false, emittedReadable: false, readableListening: false, resumeScheduled: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, destroyed: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, multiAwaitDrain: false, readingMore: false, dataEmitted: true, errored: null, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', decoder: null, encoding: null, flowing: true, pipesCount: +0, paused: false }, _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, length: +0, corked: +0, onwrite: 'Function<bound onwrite>', writelen: +0, bufferedIndex: +0, pendingcb: +0, constructor: 'Function<WritableState>', objectMode: false, finalCalled: true, needDrain: false, ending: true, ended: true, finished: true, destroyed: true, decodeStrings: true, writing: false, sync: false, bufferProcessing: false, constructed: true, prefinished: true, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, allBuffers: true, allNoop: true, errored: null, writable: undefined, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', writecb: 'Function<nop>', afterWriteTickInfo: null, buffered: [], getBuffer: 'Function<getBuffer>', bufferedRequestCount: +0 }, allowHalfOpen: true, _maxListeners: undefined, _eventsCount: 4, constructor: 'Function<PassThrough>', _transform: 'Function<anonymous>', _final: 'Function<final>', _write: 'Function<anonymous>', _read: 'Function<anonymous>', write: 'Function<anonymous>', cork: 'Function<anonymous>', uncork: 'Function<anonymous>', setDefaultEncoding: 'Function<setDefaultEncoding>', _writev: null, end: 'Function<anonymous>', destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', writable: false, writableHighWaterMark: 16384, writableObjectMode: false, writableBuffer: [], writableLength: +0, writableFinished: true, writableCorked: +0, writableEnded: true, writableNeedDrain: false, destroyed: true, _undestroy: 'Function<undestroy>', _destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', push: 'Function<anonymous>', unshift: 'Function<anonymous>', isPaused: 'Function<anonymous>', setEncoding: 'Function<anonymous>', read: 'Function<anonymous>', pipe: 'Function<anonymous>', unpipe: 'Function<anonymous>', on: 'Function<anonymous>', addListener: 'Function<anonymous>', removeListener: 'Function<anonymous>', off: 'Function<anonymous>', removeAllListeners: 'Function<anonymous>', resume: 'Function<anonymous>', pause: 'Function<anonymous>', wrap: 'Function<anonymous>', iterator: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: false, readableDidRead: true, readableAborted: false, readableHighWaterMark: 16384, readableBuffer: [], readableFlowing: true, readableLength: +0, readableObjectMode: false, readableEncoding: null, errored: null, closed: true, readableEnded: true, asIndexedPairs: 'Function<deprecated>', drop: 'Function<drop>', filter: 'Function<filter>', flatMap: 'Function<flatMap>', map: 'Function
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > #createBucket > permissions option > should create a bucket having a list of write permissions:
Error: HTTP 401 Unauthorized: Missing Authorization Token (Please authenticate yourself to use this endpoint.)
❯ HTTP.processResponse src/http/http.ts:145:13
❯ KintoClient.execute src/http/base.ts:583:20
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:246:26
Serialized Error: { response: { size: +0, timeout: +0, constructor: 'Function<Response>', url: '', status: 401, ok: false, redirected: false, statusText: 'Unauthorized', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', get: 'Function<get>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>', set: 'Function<set>', append: 'Function<append>', has: 'Function<has>', delete: 'Function<delete>', raw: 'Function<raw>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<[Symbol.iterator]>' }, clone: 'Function<clone>', body: { _events: { close: undefined, error: [ 'Function<anonymous>', 'Function<anonymous>' ], prefinish: 'Function<prefinish>', finish: undefined, drain: undefined, data: 'Function<anonymous>', end: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: undefined, unpipe: undefined }, _readableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, buffer: [], bufferIndex: +0, length: +0, pipes: [], awaitDrainWriters: null, constructor: 'Function<ReadableState>', objectMode: false, ended: true, endEmitted: true, reading: false, constructed: true, sync: false, needReadable: false, emittedReadable: false, readableListening: false, resumeScheduled: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, destroyed: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, multiAwaitDrain: false, readingMore: false, dataEmitted: true, errored: null, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', decoder: null, encoding: null, flowing: true, pipesCount: +0, paused: false }, _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, length: +0, corked: +0, onwrite: 'Function<bound onwrite>', writelen: +0, bufferedIndex: +0, pendingcb: +0, constructor: 'Function<WritableState>', objectMode: false, finalCalled: true, needDrain: false, ending: true, ended: true, finished: true, destroyed: true, decodeStrings: true, writing: false, sync: false, bufferProcessing: false, constructed: true, prefinished: true, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, allBuffers: true, allNoop: true, errored: null, writable: undefined, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', writecb: 'Function<nop>', afterWriteTickInfo: null, buffered: [], getBuffer: 'Function<getBuffer>', bufferedRequestCount: +0 }, allowHalfOpen: true, _maxListeners: undefined, _eventsCount: 4, constructor: 'Function<PassThrough>', _transform: 'Function<anonymous>', _final: 'Function<final>', _write: 'Function<anonymous>', _read: 'Function<anonymous>', write: 'Function<anonymous>', cork: 'Function<anonymous>', uncork: 'Function<anonymous>', setDefaultEncoding: 'Function<setDefaultEncoding>', _writev: null, end: 'Function<anonymous>', destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', writable: false, writableHighWaterMark: 16384, writableObjectMode: false, writableBuffer: [], writableLength: +0, writableFinished: true, writableCorked: +0, writableEnded: true, writableNeedDrain: false, destroyed: true, _undestroy: 'Function<undestroy>', _destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', push: 'Function<anonymous>', unshift: 'Function<anonymous>', isPaused: 'Function<anonymous>', setEncoding: 'Function<anonymous>', read: 'Function<anonymous>', pipe: 'Function<anonymous>', unpipe: 'Function<anonymous>', on: 'Function<anonymous>', addListener: 'Function<anonymous>', removeListener: 'Function<anonymous>', off: 'Function<anonymous>', removeAllListeners: 'Function<anonymous>', resume: 'Function<anonymous>', pause: 'Function<anonymous>', wrap: 'Function<anonymous>', iterator: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: false, readableDidRead: true, readableAborted: false, readableHighWaterMark: 16384, readableBuffer: [], readableFlowing: true, readableLength: +0, readableObjectMode: false, readableEncoding: null, errored: null, closed: true, readableEnded: true, asIndexedPairs: 'Function<deprecated>', drop: 'Function<drop>', filter: 'Function<filter>', flatMap: 'Function<flatMap>', map: 'Function
test/http/integration_test.ts > HTTP Integration tests > Default server configuration > #deleteBucket() > should delete a bucket:
Error: HTTP 401 Unauthorized: Missing Authorization Token (Please authenticate yourself to use this endpoint.)
❯ HTTP.processResponse src/http/http.ts:145:13
❯ KintoClient.execute src/http/base.ts:583:20
❯ test/http/integration_test.ts:259:21
Serialized Error: { response: { size: +0, timeout: +0, constructor: 'Function<Response>', url: '', status: 401, ok: false, redirected: false, statusText: 'Unauthorized', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', get: 'Function<get>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>', set: 'Function<set>', append: 'Function<append>', has: 'Function<has>', delete: 'Function<delete>', raw: 'Function<raw>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<[Symbol.iterator]>' }, clone: 'Function<clone>', body: { _events: { close: undefined, error: [ 'Function<anonymous>', 'Function<anonymous>' ], prefinish: 'Function<prefinish>', finish: undefined, drain: undefined, data: 'Function<anonymous>', end: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: undefined, unpipe: undefined }, _readableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, buffer: [], bufferIndex: +0, length: +0, pipes: [], awaitDrainWriters: null, constructor: 'Function<ReadableState>', objectMode: false, ended: true, endEmitted: true, reading: false, constructed: true, sync: false, needReadable: false, emittedReadable: false, readableListening: false, resumeScheduled: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, destroyed: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, multiAwaitDrain: false, readingMore: false, dataEmitted: true, errored: null, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', decoder: null, encoding: null, flowing: true, pipesCount: +0, paused: false }, _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, length: +0, corked: +0, onwrite: 'Function<bound onwrite>', writelen: +0, bufferedIndex: +0, pendingcb: +0, constructor: 'Function<WritableState>', objectMode: false, finalCalled: true, needDrain: false, ending: true, ended: true, finished: true, destroyed: true, decodeStrings: true, writing: false, sync: false, bufferProcessing: false, constructed: true, prefinished: true, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, closed: true, closeEmitted: true, allBuffers: true, allNoop: true, errored: null, writable: undefined, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', writecb: 'Function<nop>', afterWriteTickInfo: null, buffered: [], getBuffer: 'Function<getBuffer>', bufferedRequestCount: +0 }, allowHalfOpen: true, _maxListeners: undefined, _eventsCount: 4, constructor: 'Function<PassThrough>', _transform: 'Function<anonymous>', _final: 'Function<final>', _write: 'Function<anonymous>', _read: 'Function<anonymous>', write: 'Function<anonymous>', cork: 'Function<anonymous>', uncork: 'Function<anonymous>', setDefaultEncoding: 'Function<setDefaultEncoding>', _writev: null, end: 'Function<anonymous>', destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', writable: false, writableHighWaterMark: 16384, writableObjectMode: false, writableBuffer: [], writableLength: +0, writableFinished: true, writableCorked: +0, writableEnded: true, writableNeedDrain: false, destroyed: true, _undestroy: 'Function<undestroy>', _destroy: 'Function<anonymous>', push: 'Function<anonymous>', unshift: 'Function<anonymous>', isPaused: 'Function<anonymous>', setEncoding: 'Function<anonymous>', read: 'Function<anonymous>', pipe: 'Function<anonymous>', unpipe: 'Function<anonymous>', on: 'Function<anonymous>', addListener: 'Function<anonymous>', removeListener: 'Function<anonymous>', off: 'Function<anonymous>', removeAllListeners: 'Function<anonymous>', resume: 'Function<anonymous>', pause: 'Function<anonymous>', wrap: 'Function<anonymous>', iterator: 'Function<anonymous>', readable: false, readableDidRead: true, readableAborted: false, readableHighWaterMark: 16384, readableBuffer: [], readableFlowing: true, readableLength: +0, readableObjectMode: false, readableEncoding: null, errored: null, closed: true, readableEnded: true, asIndexedPairs: 'Function<deprecated>', drop: 'Function<drop>', filter: 'Function<filter>', flatMap: 'Function<flatMap>', map: 'Function
Integration Tests
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/10636