- git
- conda
- aws cloud account
- configured cli
Clone the github repo
$ git clone [email protected]:safaa-alnabulsi/dsr-serverless-course.git
cd dsr-serverless-course
Create python3.6 virtual env, use
$ conda create -n myenvpy3.6 python=3.6
Activate this environment, use
$ conda activate myenvpy3.6
Install needed libraries, use
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Before using aws-cli, you need to configure it with your AWS credentials.
You can create a user in https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/ and export the credentials csv.
If the user name is cli-user
, run the following:
$ aws configure --profile cli-user
AWS Access Key ID: foo
AWS Secret Access Key: bar
Default region name [us-west-2]: eu-west-1
Default output format [None]: json
$ export AWS_PROFILE=cli-user
To test if you have access, run the following and you shouldn't see an error:
$ aws s3 ls
To deactivate an active environment, use
$ conda deactivate
To learn more, follow this tutorial 00-intro.md
To learn more, follow this tutorial 01-aws-console-general-intro.md
To learn more, follow this tutorial 02-create-lambda-from-blueprint-with-aws-console.md
To learn more, follow this tutorial 03-create-lambda-from-scratch-with-aws-console.md
To learn more, follow this tutorial 05-create-lambda-with-aws-cli-and-shell-scripts.md
To learn more, follow this tutorial 06-text-to-speech-lambda-boto3-and-polly.md
$ . scripts/clean.sh function-name