This is the original LAIS project from 2008/2009. It is a transparently multithreaded 2D agent-based simulator based on RepastJ.
We have picked up the available code and models from that time and made them public under the GPLv3 license in 2013. The code and models are partially working as this is probably not the last stable release of the time. Improvements are welcome.
If you use any of the code or models please use one of the following references where applicable:
Agent-Based Model of Dengue Disease Transmission by Aedes aegypti Populations, C. Isidoro, N. Fachada, F. Barata, A. C. Rosa, Advances in Artificial Life. Darwin Meets von Neumann, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011,
Agent-Based Model of Aedes aegypti Population Dynamics, C. Isidoro, N. Fachada, F. Barata, A. C. Rosa, Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009,
Artificial Life Model of Dengue Host-Vector Disease Propagation, C. Isidoro, N. Fachada, F. Barata, A. C. Rosa, 2009, INSTICC, International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 2009
Simulating Antigenic Drift and Shift in Influenza A, N. Fachada, V. V. Lopes, A. C. Rosa, 2009, ACM, The 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM SAC 2009,
Simulation of Immune Response to Bacterial Challenge, N. Fachada, V. V. Lopes, A. C. Rosa, 2008, Eurosis, 22nd annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference
- Agent-based Simulation of the Immune System (Master Thesis), Nuno Fachada, 2008, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa