Releases: MFM-347/BaseCSS
BaseCSS v1.0.0
BaseCSS is a minimal and flexible CSS library designed for fast, responsive, and maintainable web development. Ideal for developers looking for simplicity and scalability.
What's New
- replace reset with modern-normalize
- added smooth transitions
- add new colors
- enhanced typography
- add new utilities
- add more customizations
Full Changelog can be found here
BaseCSS v0.9.9
BaseCSS is a minimal and flexible CSS library designed for fast, responsive, and maintainable web development. Ideal for developers looking for simplicity and scalability.
What's New
- Fixed Specifiable Imports
- Added new utilities
- optimized scrollbar
Full Changelog can be found here
BaseCSS v0.9.8
BaseCSS is a minimal and flexible CSS library designed for fast, responsive, and maintainable web development. Ideal for developers looking for simplicity and scalability.
What's New
- Fixed Specifiable Imports
- More customizable components
Full Changelog can be found here
BaseCSS v0.9.7
BaseCSS is a minimal and flexible CSS library designed for fast, responsive, and maintainable web development. Ideal for developers looking for simplicity and scalability.
What's New
- Typography Fixes
- Specifiable Imports
- Flexibility and reduced file size.
Full Changelog can be found here
BaseCSS v0.9.6
BaseCSS is a minimal and flexible CSS library designed for fast, responsive, and maintainable web development. Ideal for developers looking for simplicity and scalability.
What's New
- Updated Colors
- Updated Utilities & Components
- Returned BaseCSS to its sole purpose
Full Changelog can be found here
BaseCSS v0.9.5
BaseCSS is a minimal and flexible CSS library designed for fast, responsive, and maintainable web development. Ideal for developers looking for simplicity and scalability.
What's New
- Updated Colors
- Updated Utilities
- Fixed Some Typos
Note: BaseCSS 0.9.4 and 0.9.5 are combined due some issues
Full Changelog can be found here
BaseCSS v0.9.3
BaseCSS is a minimal and flexible CSS library designed for fast, responsive, and maintainable web development. Ideal for developers looking for simplicity and scalability.
What's New
- Updated Colors
- Added scroll styling for modern UI/UX
Full Changelog can be found here
BaseCSS v0.9.2
BaseCSS is a minimal and flexible CSS library designed for fast, responsive, and maintainable web development. Ideal for developers looking for simplicity and scalability.
- CSS Reset: Standardizes browser behavior for consistent styling.
- Responsive Typography: Automatically adjusts font sizes for optimal readability on different screen sizes.
- Minimal Styling: Provides a clean slate for building custom designs.