Author: Huanyu Li, ChatGPT
This repository provides a tutorial on using a depth camera with ROSpy in ROS Noetic. It covers setting up a ROS package, publishing depth images, creating custom messages and services, and processing depth data.
│── src/
│ │
│── msg/
│ ├── MyMsg.msg # Custom message definition
│── srv/
│ ├── Mysrv.srv # Custom service definition
│── launch/
│ ├── k4a.launch # Launch file for nodes
│── CMakeLists.txt
│── package.xml
add this into your bashrc
if [ -f "/dev_ws/setup.bash" ]; then
source /dev_ws/setup.bash
To build the image.
To run the image.
You may need to change the owner of the dev_ws, copy the line showing on the terminal.
sudo chown -R [YOUR USER NAME] /dev_ws
Start a terminal
roslaunch zed_mini driver.launch
Header header
sensor_msgs/Image depth_image
float32 min_range
float32 max_range
sensor_msgs/Image depth_image # Request
float32 average_depth # Response
This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.