This project aims completely offline mapping scenario. OpenLayers library was preferred due to its rich mapping features. So the project contains both Kotlin and JavaScript source code. Kotlin side and JavaScript side are connected and data flows to each other.
JavaScript(OpenLayers) ->> Kotlin(Native): map move event
Kotlin(Native)->>Spatialite: get features by bbox
Kotlin(Native)->>MBTiles: get tiles by xyz
MBTiles-->>Kotlin(Native): tile data in base64 format
Spatialite-->>Kotlin(Native): feature data in wkt format
Kotlin(Native)-->>JavaScript(OpenLayers): data
Spatialite was choosed to store vector data and MBTiles for tile data. These two are highly adopted GIS data formats. You can find sample datasets inside {project_dir}/app/src/main/assets/gis_data folder. Vector layers stored in istanbul.sqlite file and tiles stored in basemap.mbtiles. In this project two vector layers are used: railway, taxi_stands. Spatialite layers must have spatial index. library was preferred to enable Spatialite features.
Project's JS source code for map library is in {project_dir}/js folder. You should run npm i command inside that folder to install neccessary libs. Also you can run npm run build to compile and deploy JS source code. The build will be copied to the assets/map folder.
To debug JS source code, you should enable inline source map. Goto {project_dir}/js/config and open file. Find the devtool parameter and change it to devtool: 'inline-source-map'. After all run npm run build. Now go back to Android Studio and run project. When the app run on mobile device, start Chrome on pc that connected to the mobile device. Goto chrome://inspect/#devices address and find WebView title and click inspect!