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More on Stardust Run

deby edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 1 revision

1. Your Pokédex

  • Save whether you've seen it or caught it, even when you don't have them anymore in your collection

2. Show your best Pokémon

Hatched a 10km egg and got a super cool Pokémon out of it? Add it on Stardust Run to brag about it ;)

If you have more than one, just click on the Pokémon to open its details and click on the "+" button.

3. Save how many candies you have

Keep track of your candies so you can optimize your evolutions in a batch and get more EXP!

4. Save all the info about your Pokémon

Height, weight, attacks, and more! Keep track of everything you need to:

5. Evolve your Pokémon

When you evolved a Pokémon in your game, just click the evolve button on Stardust Run to update its new stats!

6. Share your achievements

Post on the Stardust Run social network to show your best Pokémon, surprises or fun events that happened to you while you were playing!

7. And more?

This is just the beginning! We're working on Stardust Run to make it more fun, useful and enjoyable, and make it a great place for all the Pokémon GO players.

If you have a great idea of something you'd like to see on the site, tell us and we'll make it come true!

Follow us on Twitter where we'll share the latest news about the site!