Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd express-mongo-crud
copy .env and fill it
cp .env.example .env
dont forget to set these enviroment varibles.if you use docker u can edit these enviroment in docker.env
#expire time is in hours
use can simply run the project with docker with one command in rootdir
docker compose up --build
next time just use
docker compose up
if you want to run it in detached mode just use
docker compose up -d
and then use docker log to see the logs of cantainer
docker logs <containerId> -f
enable corepack and install pnpm
corepack enable
corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate
you can only use pnpm because of the packageManager field in package.json
pnpm install
pnpm build
start the project
pnpm start
or u can use without build the src and use ts-node
pnpm run dev
To know how the things work you can import the postman.json in postman and see the document