Analysis using Censys and ANT datasets to analyze effectiveness of ping as a measurement tool for IP Census
This project has a bunch of moving parts, so make sure you have all the required permissions for datasets/APIs and libraries.
- ANT ISI IP History dataset: I used this dataset. Make sure you have the dataset downloaded and uncompressed.
- Censys: Request research access for Censys on this page.
- BiqQuery: Make sure you have a Google Cloud Platform account and it is enabled for BigQuery.
- Serive account for BigQuery: I found it helpful to create a service account for performing queries with Python scripts. Google has very good documentation on this.
- If you are creating datasets/tables, make sure you choose one data center and stick to it.
- Python libraries for data processing:
$ pip3 install google-cloud-bigquery
$ python3 -m pip install "dask[dataframe]"
$ pip3 install pandas matplotlib numpy
$ pip3 install google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
$ pip3 install notebook