Shopychange is a DApp marketplace where you can create collections, nfts and sell, buy them. The marketplace include a royalty system that allows the creator of the collection to receive a percentage of the sale of the nft. The royalty system is implemented using a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain.
Shopychange is a project developed by Manuele Nolli as his degree thesis in in Computer Science Bachelor at the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).
To run the project you need to have installed the following software:
- Node.js the package manager chosed is yarn. You can download the latest version of Node.js on the official website.
- Docker Engine to run the MongoDB container. You can download the latest version of Docker Engine on the official website.
- Python to run the Django server. You can download the latest version of Python on the official website.
There are four components to the project:
- Backend: Django
- Frontend: React
- Blockchain: Hardhat
- Database: MongoDB
Firstly, clone the repository
Run docker-compose to start the containers of MongoDB
docker-compose up -d
- RUn the copyEnv script to copy the .env files in the correct folders
node ./copyEnv.js
Go to the blockchain folder and follow the instruction to start the Hardhat server
Go to the backend folder and follow the instruction to start the Django server
Go to the frontend folder and follow the instruction to start the React server