- Users registration, with first user getting admin role, and all others student role
- Admin role: full CRUD access to all users and courses information
- Teacher role: full CRUD access to all courses information
- Student role: only access to take courses
- Any role: View and edit personal information and password.
- Search user by name for admins
- Asign/ remove teachers from courses for admins and teachers
- Deactivate/ reactivate users and courses for admins
- Full Login/ Logout functionality
- Full access control functionality
To propertly run the proyect you need to have Apache Maven 3.8.4(or higher), java/JDK 1.8 (specifically) and MySQL 8.0.27 (or higher) instaled and propertly configured in your computer and IDE.
Download the repository and open it with your IDE.
In file "...\src\main\resources\application.properties" put your credentials to conect with your local database.
CREATE SCHEMA with name semillero_challenge_backend in your MySQL database.
Execute a clean and build for the first time. This will also run all unit tests.
Run the proyect and access http://localhost:8080/ to start using the aplication.
Execute a clean and build as needed.