This is a LUA Script to speak the various stick combinations in MultiWii for the FrSky Taranis family of RC radios
This is a script initiallyby Zap Andersson, Crazy Swedish Guy
To use:
- Put the files to your TARANIS SD card
- make sure the script go into the SCRIPTS/FUNCTIONS folder
- make sure the sounds go into the SOUNDS/en folder
- On the radio, add a custom function who's condition is "ON" (always enabled)
- Set the function to run LUAScript
- Pick the "mwiimod.lua" SCRIPT
Your Taranis will now speak when you arm, disarm, calibraty gyro/acc/magnetometer or choose profiles.
The script can be modded to understand other stick combinations and say different stuff - read the script itself for docs
-- Zap Andersson