Welcome to my repository of experimental notebooks! This repository is home to a variety of projects, each housed within their own unique folders under the /projects
These projects are related to:
- Data Science
- Statistics
- Python Development
- Prompt Engineering
- Etc
This repository contains several projects, each within their respective folders. These projects are experimental in nature, and are the fruit of my ongoing learning and exploration in software development, data science, machine learning, and more.
To get started, simply navigate to the /projects
directory and choose a folder to explore. The folders are enumerated for your convenience.
As this repository is based on ongoing learning and experimentation, updates will be made occasionally. These could range from minor adjustments or additions to significant overhauls or new projects.
It's also worth noting that the documentation will be updated alongside these changes, ensuring you can always understand the purpose and functionality of each project.
While this repository primarily serves my personal learning objectives, feedback, suggestions, and contributions are welcome. If you have ideas or find bugs, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
Thank you for checking out my experimental notebooks repository!
Please note: As this is an experimental repository, the projects contained within may not be perfect or final. They represent ongoing learning and improvement.