how do I get it???? here!!!!!!
- Over 5 different launching methods: file, about:blank, and a few secret ones, including one that doesn't even require a single file.
- Stealth: Employing the latest and greatest techniques and failsafes to keep you hidden no matter what.
- Exploit Manager: Easily discover and apply the newest cracks and exploits from the unblocking community, so that you can use your computer to the fullest potential. All without technical knowlege.
- Game Assortment: A game library so good you'll continue to browse, even after you unblock your entire device.
- Customizable: Employ the newest compiling procedure so you can tweak anything to your liking.
- Performance: Monitor and control CPU and RAM/Memory usage
- Size: Bunker PRO is a single HTML file less than a tiny 5KB!
- File extension: Choose between a .html or a .htm to futher confuse spying eyes.
- Navigation Virtualization: Bunker PRO uses the latest techniques to capture and suppress navigation events and uses PseudoBody™ technology.
- Hidden from history: Completely hidden from history from launch to close.
- Prebuilt options: Choose a simple install with just games, or pick a full featured Bunker PRO installation.
- Active Community: With a expected development lifetime of a year, and a community support forever, Bunker PRO will last.
- Downloading: In addtion to regular downloading, you can get Bunker PRO in two other methods that don't even show up in download history.
- Bookmarklet Manager: Full library of over 100 bookmarklets, with the newest method to easily add them in a single click without ever copying them.
Bunker PRO releases March 14th, 2023.
Feel free to make an issue to suggest a feature, however I am not taking any developer applications (unless you think you're pretty good at JS)