This page contains information on the schedule, material, exam, etc. for the BSc course "Analysis, Design and Software Architecture" at IT University of Copenhagen, fall 2022 (Course description on LearnIT).
Lectures are on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 12:00 in Auditorium 0 (0A27) and on Fridays from 10:00 to 12:00 in Auditorium 0 (0A27). Exercise sessions are scheduled on Tuesdays 12:00 to 14:00 in rooms 3A12-14 and 4A14-16, on Wednesdays 16:00 to 18:00 in rooms 2A12-14 and 4A14-16, and on Fridays 12:00 to 14:00 in rooms 2A12-14 and 4A14-16. During exercise sessions the TAs will gather in room 3A12-14 on Tuesdays and in room 2A12-14 on Wednesdays and Fridays. You can distribute over all exercise rooms and in case you need help either find them physically or send them a help request via the ticket system on Discord.
OBS: We expect you to be present during lectures and exercise sessions.
Week | Date | Lecturer | Preparation | Topic | Exercises |
35 |
30/8/22 |
Helge |
2/9/22 |
Rasmus |
CSN ch. 1 and 2 |
36 |
6/9/22 |
Helge |
9/9/22 |
Rasmus |
CSN ch. 3, 4, 7, 25 |
C# 02 - Generics, Collections, Iterators, and Regular Expressions |
37 |
13/9/22 |
Helge |
SE ch. 4 |
SW Eng - Requirements Engineering |
16/9/22 |
Rasmus |
CSN ch. 4, 8, 9 |
C# 03 - Lambdas and LINQ |
38 |
20/9/22 |
Rasmus |
CSN ch. 8 |
C# 04 - Data Access and Entity Framework Core |
23/9/22 |
Helge |
SW Eng - Introduction to UML |
39 |
27/9/22 |
Helge |
APPP ch. 8 - 12 |
SW Eng - SOLID Principles |
30/9/22 |
Rasmus |
C# 05 - Dependency Injection and Testing Entity Framework |
40 |
4/10/22 |
Helge |
SW Eng - Design patterns |
7/10/22 |
Rasmus |
CSN ch. 14, 22 |
C# 06 - Asynchronous and Parallel Programming |
41 |
11/10/22 |
Helge |
SW Eng - Architectural Patterns |
Project grouping |
14/10/22 |
Rasmus |
CSN ch. 16 |
C# 07 - REST and ASP.NET Core |
42 |
Fall break |
43 |
25/10/22 |
Helge |
SW Eng - Test-driven and behavior-driven development |
28/10/22 |
Rasmus |
C# 08 - ASP.NET Core Web API part deux |
44 |
1/11/22 |
Helge |
SW Eng - Building Software |
Trial Exam |
4/11/22 |
Rasmus |
C# 09 - Web applications with C# |
45 |
8/11/22 |
Helge |
SE ch. 24 |
SW Eng - Software Quality |
11/11/22 |
Rasmus |
C# 10 - Mobile and Desktop Applications with C# |
46 |
15/11/22 |
Helge |
SW Eng - Package and Component Design |
18/11/22 |
Rasmus |
C# 11 - Security |
47 |
22/11/22 |
Helge |
SE ch. 2 - 3 |
SW Eng - Software process models |
25/11/22 |
Rasmus |
C# 12 - this._course.Dispose(); |
48 |
29/11/22 |
Helge |
2/12/22 |
Rasmus |
49 |
6/12/22 |
Helge |
Q&A |
Project demo |
9/12/22 |
Rasmus |
Exam date: Mon 9/1/2023 09:00 - 13:00 (on premises)
For all the assignments listed above holds the following:
Each assignment is handed out on Friday 12:00 in the week they are listed.
They have to be handed in latest the following Friday before 10:00 via LearnIT.
9/9 12:00 Hand-out: Assignment 1
16/9 10:00 Hand-in: Assignment 1
16/9 12:00 Hand-out: Assignment 2
23/9 10:00 Hand-in: Assignment 2
23/9 12:00 Hand-out: Assignment 3
30/9 10:00 Hand-in: Assignment 3
30/9 12:00 Hand-out: Assignment 4
7/10 10:00 Hand-in: Assignment 4
7/10 12:00 Hand-out: Assignment 5
14/10 10:00 Hand-in: Assignment 5
The five assignments, assignment 1 to assignment 5 are mandatory. That is, without their acceptance, you are not eligible to participate in the exam.
Exercises are assigned to randomly generated triplets, which change every week.
The goal of the exercises is to challenge your understanding of the course content covered at a given point, not to grade you.
Exercises are tuned to roughly take 6 hours. You are expected to work on the exercises during the exercise classes.
During exercise sessions the TAs will gather in room 3A12-14 on Tuesdays and in room 2A12-14 on Wednesdays and Fridays. You can distribute over all exercise rooms and in case you need help either find them physically or send them a help request via the ticket system on Discord.
This is not a distance course. This term, we will not record the lectures. You will have access to all written lecture material through this repository though.
Icon in banner is from Architecture icons created by Freepik - Flaticon