1.15.5 - Team revive crafts & more
New Features:
- Added support for custom crafts that revive team members when crafted.
- Added the Upside Down Crafting scenario.
Revive craft example:
'Team Revive':
'1': '{"type":"GOLD_BLOCK"} {"type":"GOLD_BLOCK"} {"type":"GOLD_BLOCK"}'
'2': '{"type":"GOLD_BLOCK"} {"type":"DIAMOND_BLOCK"} {"type":"GOLD_BLOCK"}'
'3': '{"type":"GOLD_BLOCK"} {"type":"GOLD_BLOCK"} {"type":"GOLD_BLOCK"}'
craft: '{"type":"NETHER_STAR","lore:["&7Craft this item to revive a dead team member"]"}'
default-name: false
revive-item: true
limit: -1
- Fixed bug where certain scenarios could not be set as default scenario.
- Fixed bug where item durability would not load from JSON items on 1.13+.
- The pre game lobby now gets broken down from the top to avoid it from dropping items like flowers.
- Auto updating is now enabled by default, to disable is set 'auto-update' in your config to false.
- Fixed bug where "Offline players" (The zombies) would not load correctly on 1.8.
- Fixed the %timer-name% and %timer-time% placeholders.
- Fixed bug where timebomb chests would sometimes fail to place.
- Color codes now work in JSON item lore.