This is a web development project as required by 5610 Web Development course at Northeastern University.
It is deployed on Heroku: Heroku Link:
My App Alumni's Insight is designed for users to fetch the school evaluations from the school alumni. Our App structure is referred to our TextBook and IssueTracker APP.
My website is intended to provide potential students with alumni opinions of a university. As a visitor, he could read basic university information and reviews from each university’s alumni. He might not be able to review any universities. This visitor role is implemented as non-registered users in our system. For university’s alumni, the user should first register with his associated university and other necessary information like email and password, then he would not only be able to view info from all universities, but also review (add comment and rating) for his own school. He is also able to update his personal information and previous comment he made through the “My profile” link once he is signed in. To manage these users, we have 5 special users, which are called as “admins” to manage users collection and also they are allowed to perform CRUD on school collection.
More Information is provided in README file under UI directory.