The SmartPoke App is a user-friendly and engaging application designed for Pokémon enthusiasts. With this app, you can dive into the fascinating world of Pokémon, accessing an extensive list of all available Pokémon species and their detailed information.
- Technology:
React + TypeScript + Vite
- Package manager:
- Styling:
React styled component + scss
- Routing:
React Router V6
- Forms:
React Final Forms
- Common stories:
- Http requests:
- Pages & component design:
- Storybook component design:
Styled Component
- Upgrade dep. version:
yarn upgrade
- Install modules:
- Start server:
yarn dev
- Start storybook server:
yarn run storybook
- Generate build:
yarn build
- Website: SmartPoke (Netlify)
- Repository: Pokemon App (GitHub)
Hi there! I'm Mihir Modi, the creator of this project. I'm passionate about programming and I embarked on this journey to make the world a better place.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to connect. You can find me at:
- GitHub
- Telegram
- Email: [email protected]
Thank you for checking out my project, and I hope you find it useful and inspiring!