Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- JS-Cheat-Sheet
- Variable declarations
- Closures
- this
- Comparison
- Ternaries (IF shorthand)
- Iterators
- Arrays
- Switch
- eval() and with
- Objects
- Functions
- ES6 arrow functions
- Parameter detault values
- Parameter destructuring with ES6
- Named parameters
- Parameters of unknown length
- Named Function Expressions
- Pure functions / Stateless functions
- Recursion
- Rest and Spread
- Currying
- Partial Application
- Function composition (needs check if examples really function composition)
- Method Chaining
- Higher-Order-Functions
- Monads, Functors, and Fancy Words
- "Classes", Factories, inheritance and it's best practices
- Asynchronous Operations
- Modules
- Interfaces
- Examples of nice functional programming
Hopefully best practices in modern JavaScript (ES6 and beyond).
is the most strict declaration and can't be reassigned. It should be used as default whereever possible.
is the second strict declaration and can be reassigned. It should be used for iteration counter.
is the less strict declaration and should be avoided when possible.
Once variables with const
or let
are declared, any attemp to declare them again will fail.
const [t, u] = ['a', 'b'];
t; // 'a'
u; // 'b'
const { type, payload } = action;
type; // content of action.type
payload; // content of action.payload
Important for the Garbage Collector to work effectiv.
function process(data) {
// do something interesting
// anything declared inside this block can go away after! But only does, if block-scoped! Otherwise it will stay because the click function has a closure over the entire scope!
let someReallyBigData = { .. };
process( someReallyBigData );
var btn = document.getElementById( "my_button" );
btn.addEventListener("click", function click(evt) {
console.log("button clicked");
Declaration always pulled up to top of scope, but assignment always takes in place.
a = 2;
var a;
console.log( a ); // 2
console.log( a ); // undefined
var a = 2;
Closure is when a function can remember and access its lexical scope even when it's invoked outside its lexical scope.
The most common closure mistake:
for (var i=1; i<=5; i++) {
setTimeout( function timer(){
console.log( i );
}, i*1000 );
// Results in '6' printed out 5 times!
Determining the this
binding for an executing function requires finding the direct call-site of that function. Once examined, four rules can be applied to the call-site, in this order of precedence:
Called with
? Use the newly constructed object. -
Called with
)? Use the specified object. -
Called with a context object owning the call? Use that context object.
Default: undefined in
strict mode
, global object otherwise.
Be careful of accidental/unintentional invoking of the default binding rule. In cases where you want to "safely" ignore a this
binding, a "DMZ" object like ø = Object.create(null) is
a good placeholder value that protects the global
object from unintended side-effects.
Instead of the four standard binding rules, ES6 arrow-functions use lexical scoping for this
binding, which means they adopt the this
binding (whatever it is) from its enclosing function call. They are essentially a syntactic replacement of self = this
in pre-ES6 coding.
Use the ===
comparison whenever possible. It has strict type cheching:
3 + 1 === 4; // true
3 + 1 === '4'; // false
Using just ==
has no type checking:
3 + 1 == 4; // true
3 + 1 == '4'; // true
14 - 7 === 7 ? 'Yep!' : 'Nope.'; // Yep!
Try to use higher-order-functions (.forEach()
, .reduce()
...) instead of for()
loops. This will avoid much boilerplate and bugs.
An ordered list of values.
const arr = [2, 4, 6];
arr.filter(x => x > 2); // [4, 6] => x * 2); // [4, 8, 12]
arr.reduce((acc, n) => acc + n, 0); // 10
// arr itself gets never mutated, always a new array is returned
Simple to miss the break;
statement which leads to difficult to find bugs.
So better exchange switch
es with:
function doAction(action) {
var actions = {
'hack': function () {
return 'hack';
'slash': function () {
return 'slash';
if (typeof actions[action] !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Invalid action.');
return actions[action]();
Simply don't use them because it can be a security problem (eval()
) and leads to poor performance.
In JavaScript, all types of functions, arrays, key/value pairs, and data structures in general are really objects.
A prototype is an object intended to model other objects after. It is similar to a class in that you can use it to construct any number of object instances, but different in the sense that it is an object itself. There are two ways that prototypes can be used: you can delegate access to a single, shared prototype object (called a delegate), or you can make clones of the prototype.
In JavaScript, objects have an internal reference to a delegate prototype. When an object is queried for a property or method, the JavaScript engine first checks the object. If the key doesn't exist on that object, it checks the delegate prototype, and so on up the prototype chain. The prototype chain typically ends at the Object prototype.
var colorProto = {
setColorName: function setColorName(newColor) {
this.colorName = newColor;
return this;
colorName: 'white',
rgb: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }
white = Object.create(colorProto),
red = Object.create(colorProto).setColorName('red');
white.colorName; //white
red.colorName; //red
red.rgb.r = 0; // also sets white.rgb.r to 0 -> Object and array mutations are shared!
red.rgb = {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0}; // only sets red.rgb to 255,0,0 -> Property replacement is instance-specific!
See, but there seems to be a mistake in the example. I don't get it.
Don't use.
A factory is a method used to create other objects and avoids the drawbacks of constructor functions. Its purpose is to abstract the details of object creation from object use. In object-oriented design, factories are commonly used where a simple class is not enough.
var carPrototype = {
accelerate: function accelerate(amount) {
this.mph += amount;
return this;
brake: function brake(amount) {
this.mph = ((this.mph - amount) < 0)? 0 : this.mph - amount;
return this;
color: 'pink',
direction: 0,
mph: 0
car = function car(options) {
return Object.assign(Object.create(carPrototype), options);
myCar = car({color: 'red'});
Not sure if this is a 'best practice'!
Needs to NOT USE Object.create
, as the input to Object.create
gets shadowed and is NOT in the output of JSON.stringify
var dbObjProto = {
id: 0,
parentId: 0,
insertUser: '',
updateUser: ''
var DBObjFactory = function DBObjFactory(options) {
return Object.assign({}, dbObjProto, options);
var articleProto = {
articleNo: '',
description: ''
var ArticleFactory = function ArticleFactory(options) {
return Object.assign({}, dbObjProto, articleProto, options);
var dbObjProto = DBObjFactory({id: 2});
var article = ArticleFactory({id: 8, description: 'Plane'});
Claims to combine the best of all object creation variants (delegate prototype, instance state, encapsulation).
Objects can be easily composed together into new objects with Object.assign()
const oA = { a: 'a' };
const oB = { b: 'b' };
const c = Object.assign({}, oA, oB); // c becomes { a: 'a', b: 'b' }
Note that when you use Object.assign()
, you must pass a destination object as the first parameter. It is the object that properties will be copied to. If you forget, and omit the destination object, the object you pass in the first argument will be mutated.
const double = x => x * 2; //ES6 arrow function
const double = x => { return x * 2; } //ES6 arrow function
const double = function(x) { return x * 2; } // Old way
lacks its own this
and arguments
. Also it can't be used as a constructor.
const orZero = (n = 0) => n;
orZero(); // 0
orZero(2); // 2
orZero(undefined); // 0
function makeSound({species = 'animal', sound}) {
console.log('The ' + species + ' says ' + sound + '!');
sound: 'woof'
species: 'bird',
sound: 'chirp'
var userProto = {
name: '',
email: '',
alias: '',
showInSearch: true,
colorScheme: 'light'
function createUser(options) {
return Object.assign({}, userProto, options);
var newUser = createUser({
name: 'Mike',
showInSearch: true
var sum = (...numbers) => numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
sum(1, 2, 3, 4) // 10
var sumOldWay = function(){
var args = []
.reduce(function(a, b){ return a + b })
sumOldWay(1, 2, 3, 4) // 10
For better debugging, don't create anonymous functions at top-levels as this will be hard to stacktrace:
// don't
var lightbulbAPI = {
off: function() {},
on: function() {},
// do
var lightbulbAPI = {
off: function off() {},
on: function on() {},
Pure or stateless functions do not use or modify variables, objects, or arrays that were defined outside the function. So they don't depend on anything else as the input and behave always the same.
// pure function
const add10 = (a) => a + 10
// impure function due to external non-constants
let x = 10
const addx = (a) => a + x
// also impure due to side-effect
const setx = (v) => x = v
// impure, because it changes the input variable
var rotate = function rotate(arr) {
return arr;
//pure, because it returns a new object instead changing the input
var safeRotate = function safeRotate(arr) {
var newArray = arr.slice(0);
return newArray;
That feature is particularly useful in JavaScript applications, because you often need to manage a lot of asynchronous events. Consequently, time becomes a major factor in code organization.
Because you don't have to worry about clobbering shared data, stateless functions can often be run in parallel, meaning that it's much easier to scale computation horizontally across a large number of worker nodes. In other words, stateless functions are great for high-concurrency applications.
ES5 has a call stack limit! ES6 has removed it!
let categories = [
{id: 'animals', parent: null},
{id: 'mammmals', parent: 'animals'},
{id: 'cats', parent: 'mammmals'},
{id: 'dogs', parent: 'mammmals'},
{id: 'chihuahua', parent: 'dogs'},
{id: 'labrador', parent: 'dogs'},
{id: 'siamese', parent: 'cats'},
{id: 'persian', parent: 'cats'},
let makeTree = (categories, parent) => {
let node = {};
.filter(c => c.parent === parent)
.forEach(c => node[] = makeTree(categories,;
return node;
JSON.stringify(makeTree(categories, null), null, 2)
For example, the following function simply discards the first argument and returns the rest as an array:
const aTail = (head, ...tail) => tail;
aTail(1, 2, 3); // [2, 3]
Spread does the opposite: it spreads the elements from an array to individual elements. Consider this:
const shiftToLast = (head, ...tail) => [...tail, head];
shiftToLast(1, 2, 3); // [2, 3, 1]
Maybe to complicated to be used because of easily made errors! Avoid when possible.
var multiply = (x, y) => x * y;
var boundDouble = multiply.bind(null, 2); // null context
boundDouble(4): // 8
The only disadvantage is that you won't be able to override the value of this with .call() or .apply(). If your function uses this, you shouldn't use .bind().
const inc = n => n + 1;
const double = n => n * 2;
inc(double(2)); // 5
You can pass any expression as an argument to a function. The expression will be evaluated before the function is applied:
inc(double(2) * double(2)); // 17
const pipe = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((v, f) => f(v), x);
Now you can write add1ThenDouble() like this:
const add1ThenDouble = pipe(add1, double);
add1ThenDouble(2); // ((2 + 1 = 3) * 2 = 6)
const arr = [1, 2, 3];; // [4, 8, 12]
How JavaScripts Array.filter()
is build:
const reduce = (reducer, initial, arr) => {
let acc = initial;
for (let i = 0, length = arr.length; i < length; i++) {
acc = reducer(acc, arr[i]);
return acc;
const filter = (fn, arr) =>
reduce((acc, curr) =>
fn(curr) ? acc.concat([curr]) : acc, [], arr
const censor = words => filter(word => word.length !== 4, words);
const startsWithS = words => filter(word => word.startsWith('g'), words);
const wordArray = ['oops', 'gasp', 'shout', 'sun'];
console.log(censor(wordArray)); // [ 'shout', 'sun' ]
console.log(startsWithS(wordArray)); // [ 'gasp' ]
Monads can be thought of as a container for a value, and to open up the container and do something to the value, you need to map over it. Array.filter()
is a functor/monad!. Here’s a simple example:
const inc = n => n + 1;
const isZero = n => n === 0;
// monad
list = [-1,0,1] // => [0,1,2] // => [false, true, false] // => [true, false, false], inc)) // => [true, false, false]
JavaScript has no classes! Even the ES6 class
desugars to constructor functions! Use them only if unavoidable.
const proto = {
hello: function hello() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${ }`)
const greeter = (name) => Object.assign(Object.create(proto), {name});
const george = greeter('George');
george.hello(); // Hello, my name is George
function Greeter (name) { = name || 'John Doe';
Greeter.prototype.hello = function hello() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${ }`)
var george = new Greeter('George');
george.hello(); // Hello, my name is George
class Greeter {
constructor (name) { = name || 'John Doe';
hello: function hello() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${ }`)
const george = new Greeter('George');
george.hello(); // Hello, my name is George
However inheritance comes to life (factory functions, constructor functions or "classes"), don't think in terms of IS-A relationships, but in terms of HAS-A, USES-A or CAN-DO relationships which leads you to composition instead of parent-child inheritance.
Concatenative inheritance is the process of copying the properties/functions from one object to another, without retaining a reference between the two objects.
const proto = {
hello: function hello() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${ }`)
const george = Object.assign({}, proto, {name: 'George'});
george.hello(); // Hello, my name is George
The primary advantage of using functions for extension is that it allows you to use the function closure to encapsulate private data. In other words, you can enforce private state.
const rawMixin = function () {
const attrs = {}; // -> get's private!!
return Object.assign(this, {
set (name, value) {
attrs[name] = value;
this.emit('change', {
prop: name,
value: value
get (name) {
return attrs[name];
}, WhateverElseToApply);
const mixinModel = (target) =>;
const george = { name: 'george' };
const model = mixinModel(george);
model.on('change', data => console.log(data));
model.set('name', 'Sam');
const barker = (state) => ({
bark: () => console.log('Woof, I'am ' +');
const driver = (state) => ({
drive: () => state.position = state.position + state.speed;
const killer = (state) => ({
kill: () => console.log('Astalavista, baby!');
const murderRobotDog = (name) => {
let state = {
speed: 100,
position: 0
return Object.assign(
murderRobotDog('sniffles').bark(); // Woof, I'm sniffles
const a = init(function () {
const a = 'a';
Object.assign(this, {
getA () { return a; }
const b = init(function () {
const a = 'b';
Object.assign(this, {
getB () { return a; }
const c = compose(a, b); // Stampit functionality
const foo = c();
console.log(foo.getA()); // 'a'
console.log(foo.getB()); // 'b'
// Some more privileged methods, with some private data.
const availability = init(function () {
let isOpen = false; // private
Object.assign(this, {
open () {
isOpen = true;
return this;
close () {
isOpen = false;
return this;
isOpen () {
return isOpen;
// Here's a stamp with public methods, and some state:
const membership = compose({
methods: {
add (member) {
this.members[] = member;
return this;
getMember (name) {
return this.members[name];
properties: {
members: {}
// Let's set some defaults:
const defaults = compose({
properties: {
name: 'The Saloon',
specials: 'Whisky, Gin, Tequila'
const overrides = init(function (overrides) {
Object.assign(this, overrides);
// Classical inheritance has nothing on this. No parent/child coupling.
// No deep inheritance hierarchies.
// Just good, clean code reusability.
const bar = compose(availability, membership, defaults, overrides);
const myBar = bar({name: 'Moe\'s'});
// Silly, but proves that everything is as it should be.
const result = myBar.add({name: 'Homer'}).open().getMember('Homer');
console.log(result); // { name: 'Homer' }
name: ${ }
isOpen: ${ myBar.isOpen() }
specials: ${ myBar.specials }
name: Moe's
isOpen: true
specials: Whisky, Gin, Tequila
Callbacks are functions that you pass as arguments to be invoked when the callee has finished its job. Callbacks are commonly passed into event handlers, Ajax requests, and timers.
Better examples needed.
Modules in the browser use a wrapping function to encapsulate private data in a closure (for example, with an IIFE; see “Immediately Invoked Function Expressions”). Without the encapsulated function scope provided by the IIFE, other scripts could try to use the same variable and function names, which could cause some unexpected behavior.
This approach works everywhere, but can only load "all or nothing":
var app = {};
// Module Storage
(function (exports) {
(function (exports) {
var api = {
moduleStorage: function test() {
console.log('I\'m the storage module.');
Object.assign(exports, api);
}((typeof exports === 'undefined') ? window : exports));
// Module Picture
(function (exports) {
(function (exports) {
var api = {
modulePicture: function test() {
console.log('I\'m the picture module.');
Object.assign(exports, api);
}((typeof exports === 'undefined') ? window : exports));
Here, that variable is called exports
, for compatibility with CommonJS (see “Node-Style Modules” for an explanation of CommonJS). If exports does not exist, you can fall back on window
Maybe the best because most popular until ES6 modules arrive in the wild.
'use strict';
var foo = function foo () {
return true;
}; = foo;
Then use require() (require.js) to import your module and assign it to a local variable. You can specify the name of a module in the list of installed Node modules or specify a path to the module using relative paths.
Watch closely when they will become supported! Best approach if it will be available.
Interfaces are one of the primary tools of modular software design. Interfaces define a contract that an implementing module will fulfill. For instance, a common problem in JavaScript applications is that the application stops functioning if the Internet connection is lost. In order to solve that problem, you could use local storage and sync changes periodically with the server. Unfortunately, some browsers don't support local storage, so you may have to fall back to cookies or even Flash (depending on how much data you need to store).
We need to greet a user on login. Easy:
const greeting = (name) =>
Hello ${name}`
But wait ... we need more greeting text:
const greeting = (name, male=false, female=false) =>
`Hello ${male ? ‘Mr. ‘ : female ? ‘Ms. ‘ : ‘’} ${name}`
Now it starts getting messier, and we still need moooore greeting text! What now? More parameters, more ifs?
No, just write and compose pure functions!
const formalGreeting = (name) => `Hello ${name}`;
const casualGreeting = (name) => `Sup ${name}`;
const male = (name) => `Mr. ${name}`;
const female = (name) => `Mrs. ${name}`;
const doctor = (name) => `Dr. ${name}`;
const phd = (name) => `${name} PhD`;
const md = (name) => `${name} M.D.`;
formalGreeting(male(phd("Chet"))); // => "Hello Mr. Chet PhD"
This is a nice approach, but a litte unhandy in use. So lets do this:
const pipe = (fns) => (x) => fns.reduce((v, f) => f(v), x); // a helper for 'chaining' functions
const identity = (x) => x; // Simply returns the input value
const greet = (name, options) => {
return pipe([
// greeting
options.formal ? formalGreeting :
// prefix ? doctor :
options.male ? male :
options.female ? female :
// suffix ? phd : ?md :
Yeah! Thats nice, readable, extensible and good code! :)