Here are the projects I've done on Vivado using VHDL
Is a BCD to binary converter that can handle transformation of numbers up to 99 which are fiven in BCD.
Provides you with the code of project one which has been edited so that in can get the job done using only one process statement which means that code is fully synchronous, given we have only one clock in this project. it's also been edited so that it takes only one input and seperates all the two consecutively presented numbers and operates on them
Takes in 20-bit inputs and gives 64-bit outputs. This project exercises some of the concepts of CDC and timing constraints that are of high importance when using vivado professionally.
Has two clock domains, one for the user side and another for uart handler. The user side shows the bytes received from RX pin, having crossed it through clock domains. The user side also stores bytes in a FIFO in order to be sent on TX pin in uart clock domain.