Here are a few of the projects I've done on STM32 microcontrollers. Sorry for poor naming, I still have lots to learn about this platform!
does a blink of an LED with adjustable time for being on and off using a little bit of assembly. (May god never curse anyone with having such problems to solve)
is the code that can be used to implement a receiver that takes analog input through nRF24l01 transceiver and converts the input to a digital siganl and uses it to control a PWM that can adjust the level of brightness on an LED.
does pretty much the same thing as the Micro_pre1, with some clock adjustments using NOP in assembly.
takes an external interrupt from a pin and toggles an LED when interrupt function gets executed.
does the rpm control process on a DC Motor, comments will lead you to understand this one better. Note that this code has not been implemented and might need adjustments to work properly on a motor.