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start of demo 1

Creation VM via Portal and cli

0.1 : Env & Network _ Create RG

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  CLI > az group create --name DemoRG --location francecentral

0.2 : Env & Network _ Create Vnet and subnet

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 CLI > az network vnet create --resource-group DemoRG --location francecentral --name DemoVnet --address-prefix  --subnet-name Subnet1 --subnet-prefix

0.3 : Env & Network _ Create security group and update subnet

  • Create NSG1 :

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CLI > az network nsg create --resource-group DemoRG --name NSG1
  • Create a network security group rule for port 80 :

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CLI > az network nsg rule create --resource-group DemoRG --nsg-name NSG1 --name NGS1-80_in \
  --protocol tcp --direction inbound  --source-address-prefix '*' --source-port-range '*' \
  --destination-address-prefix '*' --destination-port-range 80 --access allow --priority 1001   
  • Update Subnet1 with NSG1 :

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CLI > az network vnet subnet update --name Subnet1 --resource-group DemoRG --vnet-name DemoVnet --network-security-group NSG1

0.4 : Env & Network _ Public IP for frontend access

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CLI > az network public-ip create --resource-group DemoRG --name front-end-pu-ip --dns-name azessentialsfront --allocation-method Static

1.1 : Compute & Storage _ Create frontend compute

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Leave the default value here :

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You will copy the content of this page and save it into a file on your laptop called ""

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# Create the NIC for the VM front :
CLI > az network nic create --resource-group DemoRG --name NIC-VM1 --vnet-name DemoVnet  --subnet Subnet1 
# Create the VM front :
CLI > az vm create --resource-group DemoRG --name VM1 --admin-password M0nP@ssw0rd! --admin-username demo --nics NIC-VM1  --image UbuntuLTS --size Standard_B2ms --os-disk-size-gb 32

1.2 : Using CLI to create subnets, NSGs rules and VMs

# Create the subnet 2 :
az network vnet subnet create --address-prefix --name Subnet2 --resource-group DemoRG --vnet-name DemoVnet
# Create the subnet 3 :     
az network vnet subnet create --address-prefix --name Subnet3 --resource-group DemoRG --vnet-name DemoVnet
# Create the subnet 4 :     
az network vnet subnet create --address-prefix --name Subnet4 --resource-group DemoRG --vnet-name DemoVnet

# Create NSG2
az network nsg create --resource-group DemoRG --name NSG2
#  Create a network security group rule for port 80. 
az network nsg rule create --resource-group DemoRG --nsg-name NSG2 --name NGS2-80_in --protocol tcp --direction inbound  --source-address-prefix '*' --source-port-range '*' --destination-address-prefix '*' --destination-port-range 80 --access allow --priority 1002
# Update Subnet2 with NSG2
az network vnet subnet update --name Subnet2 --resource-group DemoRG --vnet-name DemoVnet --network-security-group NSG2
# Create NSG3
az network nsg create --resource-group DemoRG --name NSG3
#Create a network security group rule for port 27018 MONGODB.
az network nsg rule create --resource-group DemoRG --nsg-name NSG3 --name NSG3-27018_in --protocol tcp --direction inbound  --source-address-prefix '*' --source-port-range '*' --destination-address-prefix '*' --destination-port-range 27018 --access allow --priority 1003
# Update Subnet3 with NSG3
az network vnet subnet update --name Subnet3 --resource-group DemoRG --vnet-name DemoVnet --network-security-group NSG3
# Create NSG4
az network nsg create --resource-group DemoRG --name NSG4
#Create a network security group rule for port 3389 RDP.
az network nsg rule create --resource-group DemoRG --nsg-name NSG4 --name NSG4-3389_in \
--protocol tcp --direction inbound  --source-address-prefix '*' --source-port-range '*' \
--destination-address-prefix '*' --destination-port-range 3389 --access allow --priority 1004
# Update Subnet4 with NSG4
az network vnet subnet update --name Subnet4 --resource-group DemoRG --vnet-name DemoVnet --network-security-group NSG4

# Create NIC for the VM2 middle :
az network nic create --resource-group DemoRG --name NIC-VM2 --vnet-name DemoVnet  --subnet Subnet2
# Create the VM2 middle :
az vm create --resource-group DemoRG --name VM2 --admin-password M0nP@ssw0rd! --admin-username demo --nics NIC-VM2 --image UbuntuLTS --size Standard_DS2_v2 --os-disk-size-gb 32

# Create NIC for the VM3 storage :
az network nic create --resource-group DemoRG --name NIC-VM3 --vnet-name DemoVnet  --subnet Subnet3 
# Create the VM3 Storage :
az vm create --resource-group DemoRG --name VM3 --admin-password M0nP@ssw0rd! --admin-username demo --nics NIC-VM3 --image UbuntuLTS --size Standard_DS2_v2 --os-disk-size-gb 32 
# Attach a New Disk to the VM3 storage 
az vm disk attach -g DemoRG --vm-name VM3 --disk vm-storage-disk-1 --new --size-gb 50

# Create NIC for the VM4 admin :
az network nic create --resource-group DemoRG --name NIC-VM4 --vnet-name DemoVnet  --subnet Subnet4
# Create the VM4 admin :
az vm create --resource-group DemoRG --name VM4 --admin-password M0nP@ssw0rd! --admin-username demo --nics NIC-VM4 --image win2016datacenter --size Standard_B2ms 

# Update VM2 with Code
az vm extension set --resource-group DemoRG --vm-name VM2 --name customScript --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --settings '{"fileUris": [""],"commandToExecute": "./"}'

# Update VM3 with Code
az vm extension set --resource-group DemoRG --vm-name VM3 --name customScript --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --settings '{"fileUris": [""],"commandToExecute": "./"}'

end of demo 1

start of demo 2

Preparation for Demo 2 : Before going further open the embeded cli in azure portal. Make sure you can use your default subscription and download the script from here :

  Download the file from here :
  Download the file from here :

Copy- past the content of the script into the CLI portal and let the sequence to finish for both script since bash is not very effecive... Or use a Linux client with Azcli installed on it, then you can do :

  chmod 777
  chmod 777

then wait for the 2 to be finished ( use 2 browser or any linux client with AZCLI on it to do it faster ). This will create 3 tiers applications and on each tier, there is a load balanced Availibility set with 2 VMs on it.

Demo 2 :

2.1 : Resize the VMs and monitor the traffic if the service is still available.

# Resize the VM

 az vm resize --resource-group --resource-group DemoRG --name ub-16-front-web-1 --size Standard_DS3_v2
 #The service is still up since were are in an availibility set

2.2 : Using blob storage for static content # The Static pages are avialble here :

 # The Static pages are available here : 
 make sure to change the url of the POST command in the registering form otherwhise it will not respond

2.3 : Deploy resource group with a VM from a Json. Open the Azure Cli and proceed :

#Download the template and the paramters uisng this 
#Create a ressource group since the Json will not create the resource itself : 
az group create --name DemoRGJSON --location "westeurope"
#Start the deploiment using this command : 
az group deployment create -g DemoRGJSON --template-uri --parameters @azuredeploy.parameters.json

2.4 : Deploy resource group with a VM from a Terraform Script

Before using Terraform for provisioning, there is a small operation to da, you have to create a service principal. This is basically a way to provide an identity to terraform itself to operate Azure Services. So to create a SPN, follow the tutorial here :

Then create a file and name it "azure_rm_provider.rf". you will write the informations provided in the above output to the tf file. The content would look like this :

	provider "azurerm" {

Download that file, it will be our terraform confirguration file for our provisonning :

Finalyinaly proceed with the two below commands :

		terraform init
		terraform apply

End of Demo 2


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