This is quiz app. After welcome screen, the user chooses correct answers and earning points
- SwiftUI
- Show welcome screen
- Check if the user chosen correct answer
- Change colors if the answer is incorrect
- Count the number of correct answers
- Show summary screen
- Game checks your answer counts (in)correct answers and check where are you in the game.
- Question Please don't check it before the quiz because there are questions & answers.
- GameViewModel Generally, checks your answer and help to show it if was correct or not. It allows the app to run during the questions. It also checks if the game is over and allows you to make a quess only once.
- ScoreViewModel At the end it counts correct and incorrect answers and calculate percentage of correct ones.
- BottomTextView Is responsible for the answers
- ChoiceTextView is responsible for the changes on the chosen answer
- GameColor has all colors used in this app
- GameView is "listening" where you are in the game, contains QuestionView. Allows you to go the next question etc.
- QuestionView is reponsible for the view with questions
- ScoreView is the final view with the score
- WelcomeView is the first view