This is the repository for SuperVoid, the first game developed using the VoidEngine
- Keyboard, Mouse, and Gamepad Control
- Flexible Entity-Component system to allow manipulation of gameplay entities
- 3D Rendering with OpenGL 4.5
- Powerful framework utility classes to allow:
- Multithreading
- Resource Caching
- Asynchronous File I/O
- FNV1a String hashing for fast comparisions
- Simple Physics/Collisions
- UI
- Text Rendering
- An actual asteroids clone
To build:
Note This game requires Visual Studio 2019 to build.
- Clone Repository
- Open SuperVoid.sln and smash F5
The GLFW binaries included in this repository were built for a windows 64bit system. To build the project on another system, replace the glfw3.lib file in Dependencies/GLFW with the apropriate binary file for your system.
See for details and instructions on building GLFW