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ci: manage OSX OS to obtain the .node from github action #39

ci: manage OSX OS to obtain the .node from github action

ci: manage OSX OS to obtain the .node from github action #39

Workflow file for this run

name: Build and Retrieve Compiled Files
types: [opened, reopened, synchronize]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# - os: ubuntu-22.04
# platform: linuxmusl-x64
# - os: ubuntu-22.04
# platform: linux-x64
- os: macos-latest
platform: darwin-x64
# - os: windows-latest
# platform: win32-x64
# - os: windows-latest
# platform: win32-ia32
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install nvm
run: |
curl -o- | bash
echo 'export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"' >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
- name: Create a folder for the tarball
run: |
mkdir release
cd release
mkdir lib
- name: Build and run Docker container
if: contains(matrix.os, 'ubuntu') || contains(matrix.os, 'windows')
run: |
# Build image
docker build --build-arg PLATFORM=${{ matrix.PLATFORM }} -t ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }} . -f ./.github/Dockerfile
# Run container and copy the built file
docker run --name ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }} ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}
# Copy .node file from the container
docker cp ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}:/heif-converter/src/build/Release/converter.node ./release/lib/converter.${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}.node
- name: Copy .dll files from the container (Windows)
if: contains(matrix.os, 'windows')
SRC_PATH: /heif-converter/src/build/Release
run: |
docker cp ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}:${{ env.SRC_PATH }}/heif.dll ./release/lib/heif.dll
docker cp ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}:${{ env.SRC_PATH }}/turbojpeg.dll ./release/lib/turbojpeg.dll
docker cp ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}:${{ env.SRC_PATH }}/jpeg62.dll ./release/lib/jpeg62.dll
docker cp ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}:${{ env.SRC_PATH }}/libde265.dll ./release/lib/libde265.dll
docker cp ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}:${{ env.SRC_PATH }}/libx265.dll ./release/lib/libx265.dll
docker cp ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}:${{ env.SRC_PATH }}/libpng16.dll ./release/lib/libpng16.dll
docker cp ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}:${{ env.SRC_PATH }}/zlib1.dll ./release/lib/zlib1.dll
- name: Clean up the Docker container (Windows and Linux)
if: contains(matrix.os, 'ubuntu') || contains(matrix.os, 'windows')
run: docker container rm ${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}
- name: Configure and Build on OSX
if: contains(matrix.os, 'mac')
run: |
- name: Install nvm
run: |
brew install nvm
echo 'export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"' >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
- name: "Resolve error 'dyld[]: missing symbol called'"
run: |
arch -x86_64 zsh
nvm use system
nvm cache clear
nvm uninstall 18
nvm install 18
nvm use 18
- name: Configure and Build on OSX
if: contains(matrix.os, 'mac')
run: |
# Install nasm (useful for vcpkg)
brew install nasm
# Install python setup tools
pip3 install setuptools
# Clone vcpkg and install libheif
git clone
./vcpkg/vcpkg install libheif
# Build project
npm run configure
npm run build
# Run tests
npm run test
# Copy .node in the release folder
cp ./src/build/Release/converter.node ./release/lib/converter.${{ matrix.PLATFORM }}.node
- name: Create tarball of the release folder
run: |
cd ./release
tar -czf ${{ matrix.platform }}.tar.gz *
- name: Upload artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: release
path: ./release/${{ matrix.platform }}.tar.gz