New decade!
I saw the future clearly. It was 20/20...
Mycroft has now entered the new year with a release, we're happy for all contributors old and new that are joining us in this Brave New World of 2020.
Documentation updates
- @TheLastProject corrected the non-metric version of the unit config in #2441
- @notdefine corrected the documentation on how to start the unittests with
- The MycroftSkill members
were added to the readthedocs documentation.
Test updates #2443, #2442, #2450
Tests were extended for the mycroft_skill, tts and audio modules, increasing code coverage by a couple of percent. In doing this some issues were identified and squashed.
- Mimic2 preprocessing is now active
- The fallback TTS can now trigger listening
- vlc playback backend works with tracks with mime-info
Make venv-activate work with sh and zsh #2439
We're always grateful when contributors make our scripts work with more platforms and tools. Big thanks to @notdefine for fixing this.
Make padatious multithreading configurable #2448
Padatious will default run multithreaded to speed up training but this is now configurable thanks to @andlo.
Upate gtts backend to be compatible with newer versions #2447
This allows mycroft to work with v2.1.0 and above of gTTS. Many thanks to @ansgar-t for this update.
Update msm to 0.8.5 #2452
This allows the installer skill to detect errors when installing.
End of playlist message
The audioservice will now send an end of playlist message after the last track has been played. This will be useful for restoring the resting screen after the last track or detecting the end of a sequence of steps in an prerecorded situation.