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Update to 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT #48

Update to 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT

Update to 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT #48

Workflow file for this run

# 🏃‍♀️ Continuous Integration and Delivery: Stable
# ===============================================
# Note: for this workflow to succeed, the following secrets must be installed
# in the repository:
# A personal access token of a user with collaborator or better access to
# the project repository. You can generate this by visiting GitHub →
# Settings → Developer settings → Personal access tokens → Generate new
# token. Give the token scopes on ``repo``, ``write:packages``,
# ``delete:packages``, ``workflow``, and ``read:gpg_key``.
# A *private* key with which we can sign artifacts.
# Username for the Central Repository.
# Password for the Central Repository.
name: 😌 Stable integration & delivery
# Driving Event
# -------------
# What event starts this workflow: a push of a release tag. Note: according to
# we have been doing our tag matching wrong. It's not
# regexp, it's not glob…it's more like…glob++ 😮
- 'release/*'
concurrency: roundup
# What to Do
# ----------
# Round up, yee-haw!
name: 🐴 Stable Assembly
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: 💳 Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
token: ${{secrets.ADMIN_GITHUB_TOKEN}}
fetch-depth: 0
name: 💵 Maven Cache
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: ~/.m2/repository
# The "key" used to indicate a set of cached files is the operating system runner
# plus "mvn" for Maven-specific builds, plus a hash of the `pom.xml` files, which
# should uniquely identify the dependent jars; plus "pds" because we pds-prefix
# everything with "pds" in PDS—even when the context is obvious! 😅
key: pds-${{runner.os}}-mvn-${{hashFiles('**/pom.xml')}}
# To restore a set of files, we only need to match a prefix of the saved key.
restore-keys: pds-${{runner.os}}-mvn-
name: 🤠 Roundup
uses: NASA-PDS/roundup-action@stable
assembly: stable
packages: openjdk11-jdk
maven-build-phases: install
maven-doc-phases: clean,site,site:stage
maven-stable-artifact-phases: clean,site,site:stage,deploy
documentation-dir: target/apidocs
ossrh_username: ${{secrets.OSSRH_USERNAME}}
ossrh_password: ${{secrets.OSSRH_PASSWORD}}
# -*- mode: yaml; indent: 4; fill-column: 120; coding: utf-8 -*-